"Ah you think the cesspool is your ally? You merely adopted the smell. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the map section until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but dog!" -Banepool
A matter of circumstance and opportunity - the map is very loosely based on the roads along the Champ de Mars in Paris, and there just so happen to have been massive riots on those streets yesterday. I’d have made the connection more obvious but I ran out of peices and time...
I like how the original 1000 pages took like 4 years, but the next 500 took only 9 months. Don't slow down now!! Someone claim they make the better maps than everyone else and it should go by in no time!
Your school shooting map has no verticality and is a square. Allow me to search for the perfect Ben Shapiro video to highlight how it could be improved.
LISTEN what Halo needs is the ability to throw grenades through the teleporters it would make the gameplay so much more fluid
What Halo needs is poise so when you get spartan charged or spartan charge somebody you don't get knocked back. #BringbackArmorLock
Too good for the game. Maybe if you werent such a **** and just let people have fun in that match instead of shooting them down!!!!
Battlefield server admins are comparable to dictators. Battlefield 3 had it the worst. NO SHOTGUNS!!!
when you spartan charge your tv should sling forward into the wall. most peole would only be able to afford oe spartan charge before their tv busted itself, so it'd be really tactical. if you ever get spartan charged, you know that guy earned that kill because he sacrificed his 4k monitor to do it.