It looks like he's trying to climb a staircase that he's building, which ties into the repetition of the second frame. The reason I brought it up was because Goat was talking about spiral staircases and adding 30 to each of his maps. The fall at the end represents Goat getting stuck in a spiral staircase quantum loop and the inevitable end of the too-much-stair syndrome
@Dunco So I had a sewer epiphany. I can't really explain it but I learned how to subdivide and ya'll better watch yourself now. This image illustrates the concept. It's basically matter folding in on itself in a spiral fashion, so wherever that density is concentrated becomes the weakest part.
Yeah, I know. I enjoy creating maps for PVE though. I'm also trying to mess with the gameplay modifiers/loadouts to make it a bit more viable as a PVP game.
A set dressed rectangle for multiplayer... Yeah, that does look like **** lmao. If I wanted to play dollhouse I'd buy one haha
I don't mind being weird, it's when people actually think I'm retarded that I get worried. I have a fear that I'm actually destructive because of my stupidity and either people treat me too nice because I'm retarded or they have tried to tell me before but I'm just too retarded to realize even that. I know it's a stupid fear to have.
embrace the weirdness m8y but don't pretend to be retarded in order to come out and say you aren't retarded because then you are disrespecting the actually retarded