I mean it wasn't revolutionary, but it wasn't broken, and it was generally fun to move around in. Properly punishing, a good size, and an okay theme. As far as Halo 5 maps go, that's a home run.
Had really, really intuitive sightlines. Cool locations. Liked the bunker theme. Was my favorite strongholds experience in H5.
Question for the cumulative knowledge of the hub. Is it possible to create the "Illusion" of faster base movement speed simply by down scaling average scaling? My answer was: Well, maybbe... The player models are so small in this game, it just might be possible. Yet it's culprit narrow fov remains still.
Not gonna count my eggs before they hatch but God is good and This will be the best 2v2 map in the game
Nah lol I basically figured out how to sketch shapes and stack them asymmetrically now. The rooms and structures I want are just broken down to basic shapes; then it's arranged to fill the negative space in a visually appealing way and frame the light source to create interest. So as long as I know what kind of decisions players should be making, I should be able to figure everything out now.
On a serious note i forgot my Xbox at home before leaving for a tennis weekend and now I’m ****ed for the flatmap contest Oh well