well goat you probably should make sure someone doesn't get camo and os. They come up around at the same time so it is not hard to prevent someone from getting both at all. Also, the way camo is placed you rarely are able to actually able to get it cleanly if you are playing a decent team. The majority of the games I have tested usually has camo and os getting split. Only ones that didn't were games where players were new and a little confused to where things were. Because of the position of camo you can pretty much see it is up from anywhere making it easier for a player to know os is up or will be up. Besides there are counters such as DB and Hydra and speed boost and good positioning. The nature of the map allows you to put a buffer between you and the other team very easily. It only takes four shots to kill os and the lock on feature exposes camo. It is just different and you are not used to playing something like it. Who is going to get more kills I guy with those two power ups or one of those power-ups and a sniper. The latter tends to lead to more kills. Salty you are a troll. lol
I don't like hallways and i don't chaining power ups and i especially don't like the hydra, so i'm not going to enjoy playing on the map regardless. But FWIW @aPK had different timers on the power ups. I don't know what yours are supposed to be, but I think Camo and OS were on 60 seconds and the others were on 90, or vice versa. Between finding people, dying and respawning, it meant a power up was running constantly. 4 powerups up every minute on a CQB map with no radar is no bueno. I'd elaborate more if a feedback thread went up, but if it's already doing what you want it to, then you should just ignore my opinion.
Just standing on the front of forgehub fourms I can clearly see 90% of your opinions are wrong and theres as 50/50 chance ill shut your arguments down off spawn.... Also you and purely are taking everything good about forgehub arguments and throwing them out the window. Geez. You guys really need to learn fourm argument design.
There's a 90% chance April Fools day will never come. Which is totally fine with me because the month of April pretty much takes everything good about May and just completely does away with it. What a bad month. Go home kid!
Interested to see how the ball in the new gametypes will mess with spawns. The various gamemodes (oddball/assault/richochet etc) ideally need different spawn weightings depending on the mode.
Hybrid 1- Black Out and Guardian (Black Guardian) Here is a comparison video from my halo reach version and comparing it to what its going to end up looking like in halo 5
They were on dynamic timers so it is 60 seconds from when it runs out, but I recently changed it to static timers and it does make them to fast. I am most likely bumping everything up because of that. I honestly think if everyone is trying there ass off the dynamic timed power-ups work better but with static the fast timers do get out of hand. Also the hydra actually works very well on the map. @MultiLockOn we lucked out the most interesting looking doors in that game are the shape of the windows
So went out for a drink last night with my flatmate and some mongers he's dating, and the dude starts going on the diatribe about alpha and beta males. Can someone please explain to me when this became a thing? I'm just listening to this tool go on and on about it, and the whole time I'm thinking; did I just lose a chromosome or magicallytransport back in time to high-school. Seriously, when did this become a thing?
Finally finished the BETA of the 4v4 I've been working on. Staredown. Absolutely destroyed the map's lighting budget(120%) but thank god for lighting objects to fix those pesky blackened pieces. The map's inversely symmetric and drew a little inspiration from DG Intensity's Cobalt. Each team's base is connected by two atriums on either side. Players could also take the quicker but more dangerous route straight through the middle under the bridge[RHCP]. The curved bridge connects Green and Yellow atrium and also houses the overshield. A lot of long sightlines in the map so I kept the snipers' ammo to zero spare clips. There's also a Scattershot under the bridge with one spare clip. So far, the map's only compatible with Slayer but I'll be working on it some more to make it compatible with CTF and Strongholds. The map is in my file share if anyone's interested. Would appreciate some feedback.