I thought I was getting an episode of Cops but I had no idea there was a whole movement of dumbasses like this. Never heard of 'Sovereign Citizens'. Judges must be happy with all this free evidence on these phones lol.
So @Soldat Du Christ posted some really "factual" stuff about his enlightened state of level design prowess and now all of a sudden he's assumed a Troll persona... Wtf dude lmao Why is that so awkward to me haha the cringe is real.
People talk about good maps Great maps speak for themselves And the best maps echo forever Stigma is the best map confirmed.
The future of the American people was stolen when hemp was illogically and maliciously cast as a harmful plant. Why is this not the #1 grown crop in America??? Oh that's right, our government is evil.
It was 115° here last night. And And AND MY AC WENT OUT It was 100° inside my house at 2am I literally slept on the tile because it was the coldest thing.
In case, some of you guys haven't heard about the incoming MCC patch (probably August), here you go: Main Menu Rework [Smoother UI, more straightforward] Dedicated Servers Offline LAN Parties Possible All Games Set To 60hz [No hit registration failures anymore like Halo 3 punch not connecting, smoother gameplay in general] Xbox One X 4K HDR Upgrade Intelligent Delivery [Only install parts of the game that you want to install] Ranked Matchmaking Search [More like Halo 3 with a difference of up to 10 skill levels, not random anymore] New Playlists: Spoiler Ranked Playlists H1 2v2 H2C Team Arena 4v4 H2C Team Hardcore 4v4 H2A Team Arena 4v4 H3 Team Arena 4v4 H3 Team Hardcore 4v4 H3 2v2 Social Playlists Quickplay Slayer - Slayer offerings across all four titles Crossplay BTB – Collection of BTB offerings on H1, H2C, H2A, and Halo 4 H3 BTB H1 Team Arena 4v4 Action Sack / Infection* Free-for-All (Halo 3 to begin)* The * next to the Action Sack/Infection and Halo 3 FFA indicate that both of these playlists will see some rotation. Action sack will regularly rotate with Infection and be updated as new maps and modes are created by the community. The FFA playlist will continue to be FFA but will rotate between the various games within MCC. In addition, regular events and weekend playlists will pop up with new playlist experiences for players to have fun in. The MCC insider program has been a success with now three flights collecting community feedback and game bugs. I haven't had the chance to play the WIP version yet, as you have to be an early insider for that, but I've only heard good things. Maybe @Faulk Smash could tell us about his experience, if he still visits the site. But behold! In the next week, the second phase of flight #3, every single insider is allowed to play the current WIP MCC as a whole! So, if you want to join the fight next week, simply sign up HERE. MCC Development Update #5 MCC Devolopment Update #4 [Includes links to #1, #2 and #3] Anyway, that's it! I thought, I would bring a little attention to this, as Xandrith told me today, he never heard of something like an MCC insider program or that it's actively being worked on, like for real this time. Kind of surprised me. Oh, and an enhanced custom browser coming after the big summer update is confirmed! Halo Reach is not confirmed, however they know a lot of people would like to see it being added. Cheers.