I'd probably just be slightly more confused and would want to know why they chose such bland maps for the H2A contest.
Also, of course people are going to complain about the results of map contests. Most of the best forgers never seem to finish or share their designs from what I can tell. I'd argue the judges did the best they could with what they were given. Although mine and Karby's map, Chasm, didn't make top 10... so I'm just off to uninstall all my Halo games.
Lol nah. Does anyone here have quipes about my winners for the 1v1 contest or their order? Demptions map (I forget the name), seths map Afterhours, and then chrons Jaguar. I don't remember hearing any disagreements from anyone about those choices or their placement.
I learned one valuable lesson this week: People value their ego over empathy 9/10 unless they know God. The ego protects the self from offense and uncomfortable situations and it protects the self from understanding other people. Most people only pull it back for people they "like" or are obligated to care about, but it takes a real empath to pull it back and genuinely care about other people who can offer them nothing in return. And being "polite to strangers" doesn't count. That genuine compassion, understanding, and forgiveness is hard to come by. There are plenty of people who think they are "good people", but honestly without God nobody is good. And it's very easy to test when you put them in bumper to bumper traffic.
Do some of you just think that people like Multi and Xandrith are super highly-regarded to the point of being untouchable? Just like all of us they have good/**** opinions. Having a status would mean you'd have fans to make it valid. It really isn't hard to tell them off. @MultiLockOn **** you. @Xandrith **** you.
You and I both know that argument is horse ****, for the simple fact that they dropped Chasm and my remake of the best map in Halo I'm certainly glad they didn't snuff out Heatstroke, but two out of three dude. Two out of three.
Pretty stoked on finishing this edit !! https://www.forgehub.com/maps/simon-fraser-university.6693/ Wanted to recreate a space that's close to where I live which also has ties to Halo. Let me know what you all think. Cheers.
If this is you asking Multi to give you a handjob, it's a good thing you made him gay with your profile pic
Listen I love Kell but that map looked like stinky doo doo, large out-door vehicle combat in 4v4 is and always will be ass. Chasm and your map were both solid and comfortable 4v4 arena maps, they shouldn't have been snuffed.
lemeow I think the number of individuals in the Halo community who have the design and gameplay experience necessary to assess quality maps is very small. But I don't think there is only one criteria for judging a design contest, and it comes down to what the intention of the contest is. If you're looking for "the most competitively viable map", then you should ask players who understand that kind of gameplay or have experience competing at the highest level to judge. If you're asking for the "most intelligently designed map", then you should ask players who have an open mind and broad sense of design. And if you're looking for "most aesthetically pleasing map", pick people who actually know something about art and design. If the H2A contest is looking for "maps that the average Halo player can enjoy in a playlist for a dead game", then the judges only need to be wise enough to separate good maps from bad ones on a laymen's level. And it's not the same as putting it to a community vote, because a judge should be engaged in critical discussion about various elements of the map as removed from their personal biases as possible. Community judging is inherently based on bias, but of a large sample size.
I thought demption's map looked boring as hell (like all of his maps) but I guess it's gameplay was good. He seems to do well with safe maps. I just don't see the point in making a map unless you're trying something different
I generally agree with this. If I released all my "safe maps" I'd have about 20 posted designs. But I reached a point where the time I was investing into making a map meant I wanted to push myself to make something different - something I would be excited to work on. I wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel, but I was trying to make something that got me out of my comfort zone so I could learn something new. And the safe maps just didn't do that for me. Sometimes though, you just want a really good whopper from a fast food joint and that's fine. Third Gear won the contest because it was better than the other maps (because it was old as hell), not because it was innovative or anything.
You're ignoring the entire point of my post. The people that are judging the contest (or maybe more importantly, NOT judging a contest) plays an enormous role in the feedback on the results. When you have people that are respected (whether they deserve that respect or not) judging a contest, the results are less likely to get negative feedback. Also when the people judging a contest (and/or heavily involved in the process) are THE most vocal critics in the community, the results are much less likely to get negative feedback because they are obviously not going to be giving negative feedback. I'm not saying that the quality of the maps selected as winners doesn't play a part in the feedback. I just think that these other facts are being overlooked. If the judges from the 1v1 contest had judged the H2A contest instead, and chosen the same winners, there would be very little negative feedback because of those factors. Edit: By the way, all of the maps chosen as winners in the 1v1 contest sucked (no offence to any of the forgers). It would've been easy to talk trash about the top 3. I just happen to know from experience that this is almost always the case, and that just because the winning maps suck doesn't mean that they weren't the best maps submitted, so there's no point in bitching about it.