What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.


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    Salty is like the Immortal Technique of Forgehub.
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  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    @Soldat Du Christ

    Were you joking? I feel like the excessive use of exclamation points were an indicator, but I would like to hear it from you.
  3. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I never called him a moron or criminal, I was referring to trump. And I said some of his supporters are stupid, which is true in my books. But some are just uninformed or bred on Fox News.

    And I already said I love the new album and Kanye. I don't think he had a mental breakdown because of his support of Trump. If you knew anything about Kanye you would know he's been on and off medication and opioids. That's why I believe he had a mental breakdown and started saying crazy **** like slavery was a choice.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I watched all those talks in full context and that comment was pretty clearly just something that came out without thought that he instantly regretted. I feel like people like to use mental breakdown as a copout lol
  5. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    If you aren't willing to personally call someone uninformed and stupid, or that they just don't know anything except for what fox news tells them, then you probably shouldn't just paint millions of people with that brush. That's such an intellectually lazy way of attempting to debase someone you don't agree with.

    Am I just a fox news shill? Am I just stupid? How ridiculous can you get, man. I'd be willing to bet that I understand Trumps policies better than you do, but I guess that I'm still just uninformed.
    #27985 Xandrith, Jun 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  6. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
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    Now I remember why I fvcking hate Halo 5 Multiplayer: It's almost Destiny's Crucible. Fvck the Crucible. Throw it away now, Bungie. It's never too late to kill yourself. Remember the good old days? Yeah, remember those as you warlock melee yourself to death.
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  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    I honestly believe you. I believe a lot of that stuff but I think a lot of it gets over exaggerated on YouTube but I definitely agree there is some crazy, occultist, and so called “Illuminati” stuff going on.
  8. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Awe did I hurt your feelings with my opinion?

    The thing you guys are missing (and the thing I was trying to explain in my post) was that it is my opinion that Trump is an idiot and his supporters are uninformed. You won't be able to take that away from me, just like I won't be able to change your minds. That's why I'm not going into the Trump ****, because I will never change your mind.

    So why fight over it? Why not just find common ground? Like him or not, I believe with Trump there is a bigger divide between people than ever before. People literally become angry if you support Trump and vice versa.

    The best thing to do is just have an honest discussion with someone and accept their views. You don't have to agree, but you shouldn't try to run from or fight others opinions, unless they believe in causing harm/pain to someone.
  9. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    I used the term mental breakdown because of his medication situation and because of how much more manic he has been in the last few months.
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  10. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    Yeah I don't think the best route to finding common ground is just insulting the people you disagree with and then refusing to discuss any details further. That's just childish, and I would know.

    It may be the case that people get angry when they find out that people don't support Trump. Nobody is saying otherwise. However, when people who don't support Trump encounter people who do, the reaction is nothing less than vitriolic, as you have so clearly demonstrated.

    The thing that you're still missing and that I doubt you have the balls to confront, is that you're personally insulting people who support Trump and calling them less informed than you simply because they aren't rabid Trump haters who foam at the mouth when they see the color orange. So I ask again, are you willing to call me an uninformed fox news shill and then discuss his policies? I would expect someone who has made such claims to be really informed, or at least more informed and knowledgeable on his policies than me, so are you willing? Or are you just going to hurl some more insults and dodge some more questions? You don't have to change any minds, but at least walk the walk if you're going to claim to be a more informed free thinker than millions of people that you've never met.
    #27990 Xandrith, Jun 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  11. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Which is why I said vice versa. I know people get angry with Trump supporters for the simple reason they are Trump supporters.

    I am not angry. I think Trump appeals to idiots (by idiots, I mean racists, sexists, old people from another time etc.), but I don't think all Trump supporters are idiots. Idiot is a broad term for me. I think he also appeals to outcasts, poor people and people with mental illness. These people aren't idiots. Usually the reason these people are supporters is because they are uninformed, or like to side with the underdog.

    So instead of telling me I'm wrong, lets find common ground. What has positive things has Trump done for your country? Why do you think people support him? Why do you?

    You won't change my mind on him, but at least we will be having a discussion instead of just blasting each other for which colour we support.
  12. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    We can start with his tax plan and slashing of regulations. Backing out of the Paris accords was massive, and his dealings with North Korea have yielded more progress on the front of "denuclearization" than every other president combined. The US economy is booming, and more people than ever are involved and thinking about political issues (although not so much on the left)

    I don't like Trump for a lot of reason, and I like Trump for a lot of reasons. Any reasonable person probably has the same perspective, but maybe they like him more, and maybe they like him less, depending on which way they lean politically.

    The problem comes when people like you are willing to personally insult millions of people and just label them as uninformed fox news shills so that you don't have to actually have conversations and contend with ideas. If I'm really just an uninformed idiot, then prove it. Please, go ahead. Explain to me why Trump is so unconditionally stupid and how he has half of America ideologically possessed, and how I'm one of those people. This should be enlightening if your broad, baseless, and sweeping claims are actually true.
    #27992 Xandrith, Jun 2, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    PharmaGangsta1 and MultiLockOn like this.
  13. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    "Everyone who disagrees with me is just stupid" - People who don't want to think
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  14. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    C'mon man, read my post.

    I believe Trump appeals to racists, sexists, old people with outdated views. I also believe he appeals to outcasts, poor people, and people with mental illness. I'll also add anti-establishment folks and highly religious people.

    Those groups together probably make up 99% of his base.

    And if you think thats what I'm doing you're wrong. Thats why I asked for your views. I want to have these conversations. My views on your points:

    -tax plan is **** and leading to another recession, only helps the rich and leaves the middle class in the gutter
    -the paris accord is kind of inconvenient but we only have one earth and if you don't believe in climate change, your head is in the sand
    -kim has been making him look weak and kinda like a ***** for months, but regardless, ill give him a point for starting the discussion and trying to help
    -economy is doing okay now but a lot of that is obamas doing, sooner or later it will crash, trumps views and actions on economy have been proven not to work in the long run by former presidents
    -people do care more about politics now and we will see whether it put some fire under liberal voters asses come mid terms

    I don't think you're a bad person Xandrith. Thats what you're not understanding. I don't think you're stupid and I appreciate your views. I don't agree with you on some things but we have common ground. We both enjoy Halo, we both can forge some sick **** and we both care enough about our views to write paragraphs on US politics on a small forum dedicated to an aging map editor in a dying franchise.
  15. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Oh and also I'm Canadian so my opinions don't really matter to much on the subject anyway haha.

    I don't like the stupid tariffs.
  16. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    If anyone thinks there’s more divide now than when Obama was president, you’re just delusional. This **** started in Obama’s second term and just spread like wildfire ever since.
    Dunco and MultiLockOn like this.
  17. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Ahhh the good ol days
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  18. WeedCough

    WeedCough Legendary
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    Also, I think we can all agree Melania's ded
  19. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    First of all, I don't think anyone is buying your goodwill bullshit after your last 3 posts. You've already directly called me uninformed and ignorant, so you might as well grow a pair and stick with it. You've also called millions of other people racist, sexist, uninformed old people who might have mental illness. This is why your side is losing.

    Of course the planet matters, but if you spent 5 minutes researching the effects of that level of regulation, while comparing it to the fact that our environment is already on the upswing with increasing levels of technology, then you would understand how stupid what you just said was. 1) https://humanprogress.org/dwline?p=232&yf=1960&yl=2014 2) https://humanprogress.org/article.php?p=173 3) https://humanprogress.org/article.php?p=1295

    With the tax plan, along with slashes in regulations, our economy is steadily growing. Even one minute on the Trump-hating google search engine can tell you that. 1) https://ig.ft.com/sites/numbers/economies/us 2) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/250-companies-offering-trump-bonuses-up-525 3) https://www.atr.org/list?amp

    Finally, if you're really, really going to attribute everything good that's happening in America to Obama and his abject failure of a health care plan that cost this country trillions, then you're maybe even less informed than I initially would've guessed. Or is that the mentally unstable and racist Trump supporter in me talking? Who knows.
    no god anywhere and MultiLockOn like this.
  20. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Obama helped the economy

    Obama doubled all of the United States debt of trillions of dollars in 8 years.

    One of those two statements cannot exist. One is also a fact .
    Yevah and Xandrith like this.

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