wow, as dead as Halo 5 is, Halo Forge PC is really still going strong (proportionately). For months I have been trying to get pickup games started for Extraction with randoms, and usually do not have much success on XBox. However, if you start one up on PC Forge, you are almost guarenteed to at least get a few people, if not full 4v4! Last night, we started with @Ryouji Gunblade doing some customs, then he passed to me and I kept it going with Extraction for several more matches, all well-received except one guy who said "Halo 4 sucks"... okay. I theorize that, customs browser in Halo 5 (Full) is unfortunately populated with less serious players. But on PC FOrge, because customs is all we have, any semi-serious player will gravitate to certain lobbies, and you can pretty much always get a game going. I'm strongly considering NOT buying an xbox when my son gets his back (if he is good all week and doesn't piss me off) and continuing on PC Forge only...
Been working on a darksouls inspired map, started this final version Sunday night, pretty happy with the progress so far
I still haven't tested my Dodecahedron map lol, wanna help me test it this week? I get off of work at 8pm at the latest
I've got some good ideas in the works... some that I have contacted or have been contacted by top forgers here in this community to work on. Others might be fixes to existing maps I've been credited on, but were never implemented. But they are totally stalled due to unresponsiveness from the other person... I'm thinking about releasing them myself or if there was a video demo made specially for that person to demonstrate the feature, that I might set the video to public and start posting it. With the game so far in its life-cycle (or death throws), I think it matters more to get things out... some of the ideas are too cool to keep hidden. I'm not mad at anyone really, but I also don't like to waste good ideas, whether spurred by myself or someone else who has asked if something is possible to script. @youknowwhoyouare