I heard that it ran like a hot turd even on a good pc, and I meant (but realize I didn't actually say) as an arena fps game. because who doesn't want to play as different factions of space marines in an arena fps.
Yes, and androids are abominations that attempt imitate god's art. and I'm using one because I am a heathen.
I mean, if you freeze frame any show, tv or cartoon - it's gonna look bad generally. They aren't meant to be looked at frame by frame.
Well another view is that our bodies are temples and even once vacated, shoud be given respect, if for no other reason than to keep humans from disrespecting dead people... it reinforces our teatment of livingbpeople to continue to show care for someonebwho is already gone, even if that is not "them" in said body.
Brainstorming is going well with Mithril - added some stuff here and there: Quick Clip Mithril WIP Thread Something else I've been working on - first lighting test on Optic Prison
You are correct sir, but the apple is the most common fruit used in representations of the act. Notice the apple symbol is bitten , GASP!
Well it looks like i'll be doing my level designs in blender since pro builder for unity costs money lelelelelel