Dude this game is so trash 5 games of doubles I hate 3433333333333333 What the **** is this dragon ball z **** Why are automatics so overpowered I miss one pistol shot and I die to any other weapon which takes no skill to use How does that make sense I can AR kids from wherever I want And they are gonna nerf the pistol Ok!
I actualy love the idea of giving opposing teams different assets on the start of a match, if executed properly it could add alot of character and depth to the map...
Maps in the matchmaking Area are in my opinion horrible. When I think about it, the only thing I play in Halo 5 are community made maps. Maps like Plaza feels like watching 8 Power Rangers through a remastered Version of Tarzan. You have to use Clamber & the Thruster ability like every 3 Seconds.
Yes. I got called in on both of my days off, and today did everything but tend bar. So the list includes: Bussing tables, making bread, prepping food, cooking food, serving tables, expo food, host, and manager duties. All the while we have a 40 top and a surprise concert crowd from the arts academy. Get your **** together restaurant.
Yesterday I had a table give me **** for not wearing green and I deadpan told them my family are recovering alcoholics. You would've been so proud
I asked ghostayame one time but i cant remember exactly what he told me. He and bartleby did the last two rounds of dubs sandbox. My best rational for game start is that red gets hydra and better opportunity for map control but after they buffed camo it's a little more unbalanced than it was before. Yeah it sucks for red start but for everything after it's very well placed. I'd rather it not be changed if it were to be considered. It's placement does wonders for the overall experience and I haven't noticed a trend of blue team winning just because of the start.
I don’t care where camo spawns but at least start blue team a few more seconds away from it or just despawn it for the start of the match
I want a warhammer 40k fps. Or a fantasy warhammer fps. Or just a good warhammer game that isn't vermintide (even though vermintide is amazing)