What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @Nitro Considering youve been discussing it, is it safe to assume that more consistent content will be coming in the near future?

    Can we also allow any maps we want to be nominated, as opposed to this ‘new’ map system?

    I think itd be very cool to go far back and give attention to a map that mightve gone under the radar.
    Nitro, a Chunk and Box Knows like this.
  2. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Halo 5 Guardians (21).png
    intro cams work
    fussed with spawns, weapons, and this corner - no longer possible to dominate map from here, and either forces a very tight camp or a very head-on assault
    its been working a lot better
  3. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    That's what I am hoping to help the team achieve. If you anyone has feedback or recommendations on features, please PM a staff member.

    @The Omicron @Shooty Person would be a safe start to message them as they are the dedicated writers for the team.

    As for the Community Favorite voting, the system that is in place is something that is systematic and yes it is only the most recent maps that are selected. As for past maps, maybe instead of nominating them in a CF, suggest them to a staff member. TBH, nominating older maps to compete with older maps sounds great but that could take away some of the development work that we're doing in the back ground for future FH stuff. So by all means, send feature suggestions. The team would love to hear some feedback on this.

    Also, if you REALLY want nominating old maps in Community Favorites, make a thread here - https://www.forgehub.com/forums/feedback-and-suggestions.347/ . Something like will get lost in this thread and the suggestion will forever be forgotten.

    Hope that helps clarify some things.
    GrayishPoppy210, xzamplez and a Chunk like this.
  4. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
    Senior Member

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    I too love cod 4 shipment
  5. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    soldat is lowkey funny

    who knew
    ExTerrestr1al and Dunco like this.
  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wouldnt recommending features be very similar to community favorites? People would mostly push their and their friends’ maps.

    If its for future FH stuff, why not implement it when those features are ready?

    Im not trying to give you guys a hard time, it just would be nice to visit this site for something besides the occasional WIP post and OT discussion in WAYWO.
    Nitro likes this.
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I literally only use the shoutbox and this thread.
  8. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  9. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I watched hours of fortnite gameplay before playing the two games with you and ive watched days of playtime since then. (Because everyone stopped uploading cod or halo and switched to fortnite and pubg) Although watching isnt the same as playing i dont need to suck a **** to know i wont like it even if i enjoy watching dicks get sucked.

    If im playing a shooter i want to play a shooter. Fortnite is a builder/shooter. The building spam in almost every engagement is a huge turn off. Id rather play PUBG where i can focus on tactical movement and gun gameplay. If i want a builder/shooter i'd play halo forge slayer. Its so competitive bro you should try it. Ill list some pros:

    • Building extends ttk:
    The longer a fight is drawn out, the more opportunity there is for success/failure to stack up, leaving the most skilled player likely to win the fight

    • More impactful decisions: Building essentialy gives you extra shields/ health & verticle mobility, but as a concequence it reveals your location and potentialy makes you predictable. Closed box = healing, open box = defensive, ramps = push... for example.

    • Encourages engagements:
    Because of how easy it is to spot when someone is building it creates a kind of 'beacon' that leads to less camping and more action. If it wasn't for building players would avoid running into the open and would more likely be moving from building to building, leading to more close range interior battles which is not halo strongsuit.

    With building, we see players confidently pushing across empty valleys, up mountains, across lakes and rivers... Wich then comes full circle leading to players engaging more often.

    Really though id play fortnite if they removed building or added a severe cooldown to it. It also should only be FPS because FPS.

    Its gone from being OUT-BR'd to OUT-BUILT. *sigh*
    #25889 no god anywhere, Mar 17, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  10. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Sound reasoning
  11. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    Yea it could be perceived that way, but if a map is top notch quality, it should be featured. Since their is a select window in terms of maps that are featured from the CF formula, some of the maps may have missed their window due to updates to map that made significant updates since it's debut therefore missing that window. Plus, I don't mind that you or anyone really gives me a hard time regarding the site operations, it's literally my job here and I want the quality of life to be better for us as the community.
    xzamplez likes this.
  12. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Introducing old Yharnam:
    a new infection/linear infection style minigame based in old yharnam from bloodborne.
    Please note the aesthetics while nearly done still need work so don't judge based on these. I'm looking for feedback on stuff like framerate and just the gamemode itself.
    Map link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...Poppy210_62479001-51a2-41b4-8d4c-fbbd4b335e51
    Gametype link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...Poppy210_d29f463d-2210-4b44-a888-ef9ad083ebb5
    "Let the hunter become the hunted!"
    218e500c-ab82-4b28-a886-0e00578a67ba.PNG 8500284d-c51a-4561-b9fd-1ecacf94d38a.PNG b56f1a23-2365-4076-956b-6325c2d135fe.PNG
    #25892 GrayishPoppy210, Mar 17, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  13. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Are you saying we should fear the man who forges a map 10,000 times then scraps it?
    #25893 Chronmeister, Mar 17, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  14. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    "If im playing a shooter i want to play a shooter. Fortnite is a builder/shooter. The building spam in almost every engagement is a huge turn off. Id rather play PUBG where i can focus on tactical movement and gun gameplay. If i want a builder/shooter i'd play halo forge slayer. Its so competitive bro you should try it. Ill list some pros:"

    I think the irony of that statement is that the building in Fortnite allows for so many more gun duels to take place, and fairer gun duels at that. I've seen enough Pubg to know that shooting, much of the time, is a death sentence. It tells everyone where you are and much of the time it's better left undone. The building aspect in fortnite gives you invaluable offense and defense to allow you to follow whatever playstyle you'd like. I'm willing to bet the average fortnite game actually has way more shots fired than the average Pubg match, and the building makes those fights a little more even as well amidst a game genre that's inherently random. I've got no problem with the building I think it's the reason Fortnite is killing pubg.
  15. LargerFiend

    LargerFiend Legendary
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    I enjoy fortnite but the RPG ruins matches for me. There is litterally nothing you can do when someone spams RPG shots except spam build and wait it out - how fun is that when he has 60-70 shots? There is no reason for a weapon to fill the role of Sniper, shotgun, and grenade all in one. I have no problem with the grenade launcher, at least that takes some level of skill to aim effectively.
  16. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
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    Both games should not be viewed as highly competitve games, but rather casual games with randomness at their cores. Of course you can be competitive with them, you can be competitive with every game...

    However, these "PUPG is superior yada yada" or "Fortnite is way more competitive" statements are so immature, it almost feels like Marvel vs DC fanboys, with one side not acknowledging the other side. It's actually hilarious.

    One more thing, though. Saying, Fortnite is not a game with a high skill gap is so ignorant, it hurts. Both games have their own flavour.
  17. I MetaBreaker I

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    I'm a forger on the old school Halo: MMC and was looking for help forging in Halo 5. Anyone want to help? (I'm not a total newbie, but I'm still not that good)
    Box Knows likes this.
  18. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    The game sucks don't bother

    Senior Member

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    Lol Multi.

    Yo if have pics of your projects you can drop them in here or make a WIP thread. People tend to be more responsive when they have some clue of what you're describing by simply looking at your screenshots.

    But if you just want some buddies to forge with you can find more peeps in the discord.

    There is a 'what are you working on' there too.
  20. I MetaBreaker I

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