[/QUOTE] Oh, so it's Multi's fault then?[/QUOTE] Well technically we can't be responsible for how Multi runs his own competition. This isn't a blame game or anything, this was just his competition, not a ForgeHub competition. Thats all. I'm not going to sit here and act all high and mighty like we're too good for him, to not give him a closing video for the 1v1 either, we just wanted to put out the announcement video since the competition was being held through this site. So there was nothing else planned for the video team after that.
He said he would make one talking about the maps OR live stream it. We ended up live streaming it. He never said he was going to make the official winners video and it was never his competition. It was a Forgehub competition from the start. I even remember when Warholic asked for judges in the waywo and Multi and I volunteered.
What lol This wasn't my competition ahaha it was War's. He just asked me to help run and judge. You think I'd give $1000 out of my pocket for those dog maps lmao We did it over stream, it was like 3.5 hours long. We went over most every map.
I know War was heavily involved, but it was my understanding that you and Nitro had decided, that you wanted to run the contest. Hence why we weren't wanting to interfere any further (at least for a majority of the teams, including video). Like I said, this isn't a blame game, this is just what I know. Sorry I can't give you a more in depth explanation of why there wasn't a closing video then. I work a lot behind the scenes and don't typically peak around the curtain to see whats happening on the other side, let alone actually interact with anyone lol.
Oh I'm not accusing you of anything lmao I'm just saying. This wasn't my contest. War was actually barely involved, he just told me to be a judge, and then partially through told me to run it how I see fit. If it were literally my contest with my money I probably wouldn't even have chosen a winner. I was under the impression that a video was coming but it doesn't affect me either way. Kinda sucks for the winners I suppose but..no biggie.
I I was told you were the one responsible for the results vid though. Why didnt that ever get released? Did you figure if you waited long enough that everyone would just forget?
War was actually barely involved, he just told me to be a judge, and then partially through told me to run it how I see fit. If it were literally my contest with my money I probably wouldn't even have chosen a winner. I was under the impression that a video was coming but it doesn't affect me either way. Kinda sucks for the winners I suppose but..no biggie.[/QUOTE] Not to sound like a broken record, but its a lesson learned for everybody, and It's the experience that counts. Look at it this way, at least we can look back at all the times theres been issues like this in past events, and learn from then for future events, especially for when the community starts to grow back once Halo 6 becomes a thing. It's a very slow period for us right now, and were trying our best to make the most of everything, but its hard to deny Halo is slowing down right now, with a lot of other big games coming out soon.
Sorry Chronmeister, but there was never anything planned to my knowledge. There must've just been a hiccup somewhere in in the pipeline regarding that. As xandrith said, and confirmed by Multi, there was a three and a half hour stream planned to be in place of "a" video, by Multi but it sounds like they opted for the stream. And that was sorta the be all, end all coverage it seems. I never got around to watching the stream though, so i'm not sure if the winners were ever mentioned at the end.
Hey I thought we all agreed that this was my fault for pushing things out before they were ready, chill guys
thanatos 1.5 is almost ready to drop hardly any framerate (for realsies) intro cams won't work for some reason though, really stupid as everything else functions nicely