Fake news ... sadly this is not possible on pc either. It is because nothing ever gets saved locally on h5 forge
I see. Salty was the one that told you could do it with a smurf account that doesn't have live but I don't really know.
i think he was talking about being able to piggy back off the gold account on your console only one account per console needs gold to be able to get all the benfits
nah i know about that. He was specifically talking Halo 5 Forge for PC. It was just something he said in passing and we didn't really discuss it at all. I was under the impression you couldn't do it before he said that but maybe there is another reason for it.
I'm not going to give any impressions about the Story because that will lead to expectations. I went in with none other than knowing it is highly regarded, and I'll just say that I don't think the praise is unwarranted. The dialog overall is REALLY authentic and I think that's what I like most about it. I will talk about the gameplay itself though. The combat feels sloppy and sometimes the levels are very linear, which makes the game feel like an awkward platformer. But when it goes more sandboxy and allows you to approach encounters how you want, it is much more engaging, especially in later levels when you have more tools at your disposal. The main draw of the combat seems to be its "realism". I hate to use that word to describe a game, but there were times where it felt like moving how you would move in real life was the smartest way, and I appreciated that. Like, you can't just run in gun's blazing obviously. So between that and the ridiculously detailed environments, there are times you really feel like you're there. I've had to put the game down a few times because of how intense it got. Honestly, the biggest issue with the game is the clunkiness when it transitions between animations. And the controls. Who thought pressing L3 to turn on photo mode would be a good idea? Other than that, I'm a fan. I'd play the **** out of an open world version (or maybe just a really large horde mode) that had some form of co-op.
I played Last of Us at my cousin’s for 15 minutes, and was so grabbed by the story that i watched a 2+ hour of all the cutscenes and dialogues on youtube because i didnt own a ps3. And it became what i consider one of the best ‘game’ experiences ive had.
Anyone that hasn't already played the original owes it to themselves to play the new HD remake of Shadow of the Colossus. Goddamn is that game gorgeous.