You can save a bunch of objects by using some grids for the textile flooring. You can change color of the grid to suite your pallet as well.
Thats really compelling footage. I think this video would benefit our forge bug thread. If you could copy and past it over there that would be great so the forge guys see it: FORGE BUG THREAD
What?! Seriously? I will have to check, as that would save me a **** load object count wise (1022 of 1024 currently)
Well, I thought it was stated that object shifting is gone in Halo 5 Forge. Furthermore I doubt object shifting is the reason, since I saved the map that I played in a custom game as a new one and tried it out again, both in a custom game and a forge game (I am talking about the second example in the video here). It worked in Forge, but didn't in customs. So for the final version of the map I had to raise the chunk piece, sideeffect being the hole is now passable by sliding and crouching through it, unfortunately. I find it kind of wierd that it's not possible to get an object to a height where it's passable only by sliding underneath it. I mean, if a spartan slides, his height is lower than if he crouches, right? I would have to find that out, but just by the looks of it, a sliding spartan is "lower" than a crouching spartan.
Meh, symmetrical would have been cooler, you wussed out. Now, no more pictures or videos until it's complete.
Made some new settings that nerfs automatics but maintains the integrity of the precision weapons. Essentially buffs the pistol relative to the rest of the sandbox, as the pistol is unaffected by the changes. Posted a thread in Halo Discussion sub section.
Asym would have been cool but i think inverse makes more sense especially with the S shapes. It wouldn't be too difficult to make it asymmetric but I like where this went. Next 4v4 map will be asym for sure though.
Nah I'm just giving you a hard time since you were saying how hard it was to mirror natural geometry. That's why I said you wussed out but I was jk. Looks good, but really, no more clips till it done. I keep seeing them & thinking "all right he finished it!" Then no.
You're right though. I definitely risk overexposing my stuff at this point, but the feedback I've gotten each time I've shown something has always helped make it better. Plus it helps to step back and view it a bit more objectively. You'll know when it's done though trust me. There will be trumpets.
This is your second map right? You still have the original map Gensis? Or did you scrap it for this one? Looks good man
So since power ups are no longer transparent/walk-through-able, is there any useful pick up that can be floating in the air? (To create a situation like the camo on Rat Race--you have to drop down to grab it)
You could make an extended drop down with an over shield on a weapon pad so whoever drop-down would have to hold ( insert button ) to pick it up but it would still require you to drop down to a more exposed area.
Yeah that would definitely work for the situation I used as an example, but sadly I don't think the actual way I'm picturing it will allow that. Thanks for the idea though! Edit: up-side-down weapon pad possible? (This probably sounds outlandish, haha)