You don't directly compliment the Xandrith. You don't look the Xandrith in the eye. The Xandrith can bite down with 3,000 lbs of force.
What’s wrong with you? He takes a playful jab, and you respond with this? I never thought I’d be in favor of tougher moderation, but you demonstrate, over and over, that some people just need to be babysat sometimes.
Woah. Calm down. I didn't mean that particular video was basically a key map. The whole evolution of a key map thing was basically a joke anyway. I was just pointing out the similarities. I think I mentioned even in the first post the portal gun would be like a power weapon on the map, or at least that's the idea I was trying to get across. I never suggested there were no limits or that everyone has the key apart from in the mention of a non competitive chaos mode. As for predictability/counterplay opportunities I have a few ideas: all players could be able to use portals provided no new ones were created. Also as the portal gun would have a slow charge and you would only place one portal at a time you could know where the exit is before they place the entrance as the most recent entrance would become the new exit, if you get what I mean. This could lead to some interesting encounters. I only really compared the whole thing to key maps as I envisioned it working like those. There would be very limited/maybe 5or6 areas on the map where you could place portals. And maps would be quite segmented with limited sightlines so you couldn't really shoot a portal to the other side of the map. You'd have to plan ahead. Place 1 portal, move to another area, place another to quickly get back to previous area etc. It's a completely different dynamic yes, but a similar concept. I'm sorry I insulted you and your key map concept but i honestIy think a similar portal concept would be cool and would work. Correct me if I've misunderstood any of your points. Edit: a good simple comparison I can think off for what I'm talking off here is that keystone 1v1 map, though 2 way teleporters/portals, which you can see through, and places exits and entrances with each new entrance deleting the previous exit and the previous entrance becoming an exit, and requires specific weapon to place portals and, you know what, it's really not that similar. But I'm sure you get the idea.
Day 34: The peace was shattered by the arrival of the city's mayor. The brief shutdown of the W.A.Y.W.O. program still haunted one individual's mind. Tack on the loss of the halo on his lover's head, bad Tuesday traffic, and forgetting to take his vitamin gummies, and you have one mean concoction for trouble. I will hide in the shadows until the danger of puffer toxin subsides.
Yeah I know multi didn't come up with it. Just brought it in and made in work with halo. This video I'm sure was brought up last key map discussion. Anyway, this isn't a key map discussion. I'm talking about a similar yet new concept, portal maps, and thinking about how they could potentially work. I'm just throwing ideas around, I'm not looking into this in detail.