It feels good to be building again - especially after the last 3 months. AND - in the spirit of Resurrection, this map will be part of a religio-philosophical trilogy. Layouts for those are coming up
@qrrby The progression that this map shows from your last is crazy. You have plenty of interesting engagements and ways to move around. Just make sure players want to keep cycling the map, as that is the hardest part of designing segmented layouts.
"Jobs to give people who screw up things you love'' - A guided meditation after your daily dose of life 1. Actual Carpenter They already know how to screw you over, teach them to channel this into building nice shelves and cages. 2. Dog Fertility Doctor For times when they really screw the pooch 3. Bandaid Tester Tired of death by a thousand cuts? Try life by a thousand stitches! 4. Professional Drug Warlord Why worry about the war on drugs when they can run it into the ground for you? Perfect idea for the holidays. 6. Bubble Wrap Air Gatherer I dunno I was bored, these are jokes
As promised: One is a church destroyed by its own foundation And the other is an Old Mombasa take on the Passion of the Christ "Covenantes eunt domus"
Any church with a bad foundation... ah nevermind. "Easter egg " lol And wow, no napkin is safe near you!
Holy **** this looks glorious. Reminds me of the spirit temple in zelda, mixed with a little indiana jones, and a dash of lara croft. You've got sketch fever going on here. The eagle eye views make me think of Myst Isle lol
And while I'm at it, here's the concept view of the old Mombasa map, as seen from just outside the playable area