Goat helped me eliminate the sand pit feeling by changing the color to eggshell So these are screenshots with baked lighting It should be done by the end of the week Probably doesn't look much different to you guys but for me it does LETS ****ING GO EAGLES
That line is so creepy now knowing the context of it @Zombievillan I think it would fit nicely into a certain something with some tweaks
I didn't even read the story but I imagine the dog did some **** when that demon ***** said that yah it's creepy
I haven't missed a superbowl in 18 years but I'm dead tired and have no idea how long I will last. I wish I was Xandrith or Goat right now lol. Anyway, Brady will win probably but please Fly Eagles Fly!!!
Itd be awesome to see Foles win it. Eagles used to be my team back in the day, so im still rooting for them. Hopefully its a close game.
Why is there not a single good castle/fortress in this game thats actually a castle/fortress. Enter me. Time to show you skrubs how it's done BTB style. This map is gonna be a ****ing RIOT.
If I wanted to just make a castle and not think about anything other than cool looking and feeling ****, you'd be toast buddy I dream in castle
Get your ass on H5 tonight. This is legit the best BTB, possibly map, I think I've ever designed and I'm still in the process of swagging it up. I have the shakes right now, the uniformity of gameplay and atmosphere on this is gonna be unreal.
It's hard being a patriots fan because you are so use to winning that when you lose its unexpected and hurts that much more :/ And yes, I am as arrogant as Tom Brady.