Now there’s a wishlist too
The pistol only dominates because of how fast people can close in on each other. If only there was some way to slow down gameplay to make range matter again...
" The sandbox team has reviewed internal and external feedback to come up with a short list of weapons that are undergoing some additional fine tuning. Here’s a quick summary of the weapons and corresponding goals the team is currently working on (we’ll share more specifics once the actual changes are locked): Battle Rifle – The primary goal with further BR iteration is to address feedback from players who experience discomfort when using some BR variants. The recoil that was introduced to the BR is a bit too much when using scope attachments. Carbine – With the Carbine, the goal is to address player feedback that the weapon still feels a bit too inconsistent, particularly at longer ranges. DMR – The sandbox team’s goal is to address feedback that the DMR isn’t adequately filling its intended role following the last round of tuning changes. The role of the DMR is intended to shine in long-range combat while being less effective at mid-range and then even less so at close-range. Storm Rifle – We haven’t talked much about the Storm Rifle in the past so first, a little bit of background: This fully automatic weapon is designed to excel at close range, with large plasma projectiles that are strong against enemy shields and organic material. While its very lethal up close, the heat that’s produced forces the wielder to fire short, controlled bursts or risk overheating. Since the Storm Rifle wasn’t included in the earlier rounds of tuning updates, but many weapons around it were, the goal here is to address feedback that its now shifted more out of balance in relation to the rest of the sandbox. Brute Plasma Rifle – The Brute Plasma is similar to the Storm Rifle in that it wasn’t part of earlier tuning adjustments. Like the Storm Rifle, the Brute Plasma Rifle is also a fully automatic close-to-mid-range weapon, but it fires smaller plasma projectiles that are very strong against shields but weaker vs. organic material. The Brute Plasma rifle is also more accurate than the Storm Rifle and thus outperforms it versus ranged opponents. The team’s goal is to address current feedback that it’s a bit too effective at stripping shields and overlaps a bit too much in with the Storm Rifle in its intended role. These five weapons are currently being tested internally and we’ll share additional details as soon as the final spec and release date is locked. Stay tuned! In addition to the weapons above, we’ve also received a lot of feedback on the Magnum and the Sniper Rifle which are both being earmarked for future tuning consideration: Magnum – Following the tuning changes to all the other precision weapons in Halo 5, the Mangum ended up as a bit of an outlier in the sandbox. Currently we know this weapon outclasses nearly everything else with a similar intended role and it’s something the team is going to be taking a closer look at. However, given the Magnum’s implications in competitive play and the fact that we’re already underway with the Halo World Championship season, we’re holding off from making any public changes until sometime after the world finals have concluded. We’ll have more to say on the Magnum in the coming months. Sniper Rifle – There’s a good amount of feedback from players at the highest levels of skill that the Sniper Rifle is currently a bit too effective and “easy to use.” Overall, the Sniper Rifle is currently performing as intended for the vast majority of players but the team will continue to monitor performance and feedback from players across all skill tiers. If any adjustments are warranted it will come later, once the Halo World Championship has concluded. Note that for the sake of the Halo World Championship, starting ammo was reduced from 12 to 8 rounds based on feedback to better balance it for high level competitive play. The team will continue to monitor how it performs and what effect the reduced ammo has to help inform future decisions."
It's not OP. It never was OP. The pistol hasn't even been touched, everything else in the sandbox has been. Nerfing everything else doesn't suddenly make the pistol too strong, even if every other weapon literally did no damage the pistol's kill time is still too slow. It's a weak gun and it has been since launch. It finally has most "correct" usage time compared to the rest of the sandbox but people got used to picking up bullshit rifle upgrades every 3 seconds so now it's burned into their head that if they're not upgrading constantly weapons then the pistol is too strong. It's not, in fact it still has a hard time killing players with any sort of efficiency before they sprint thrust away. The fact is the entire rest of the sandbox, buffed or nerfed, is useless in utility. Everything is a raw clone of everything else with basically no utility outside of being a "raw damage shred fast" tool. The rifles themselves hardly killed faster than the pistol pre-nerf and even they killed too slow for Halo 5's game pace, but perhaps most offensive was their ease of use. The pistol being BUFFED to a 3sk/4sk would solve practically every issue with Halo 5. Weapon balance, travel times, escapability, map balance issues... this isn't a difficult concept but for whatever reason Bungie and 343 have both shown themselves to be completely ****ing incompetent at the most basic analysis of what makes a good weapon sandbox over the years. The pistol's killtime at H5 launch was ****. It was overshadowed by a slew of other rifles that had slightly FASTER killtimes and were MUCH easier to use. No one complained that anything killed too fast, most complaints stemmed from "too much range" which is basically retard speak for "this gun has too much aim assist". So instead of buffing the magnum (utility weapon) they nerf every other rifle with slight kill time discrepancies and AA drops. So now all the rifles in the sandbox are much less offensive. Yay. All of a sudden the pistol is OP. Guess what, it's not. It never was, nothing changed. People are just idiots and see rifles scattered everywhere and assume they should be better off by picking them up when 1: they shouldn't exist in the first place, and 2: they shouldn't get better for picking them up. So now what's happening? They're ****ing nerfing the pistol when it literally was never an issue until now. So they're going to nerf the pistol and now the rifles are going to be powerful again and everyone will ***** that they're being cross-mapped off spawn by other rifles that the pistol can't outrange and the rifles will get nerfed. And then the pistol will get nerfed. And then the rifles will get nerfed. And we'll keep nerfing weapons like what Bungie did from CE to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to Reach. And Destiny 1 to Destiny 2. It's idiotic. Make the pistol's kill time under 1second and the entire sandbox falls into balance and this endless cycle of hell stops. EDIT: The killtimes of Halo's utility weapons throughout the years CE Magnum: .6s H2 BR: 1.2s (.9s w/ quadshot) H3 BR: 1.38s (+ random spread) HR DMR: 1.5s (not counting ****ing bloom lol). Do you see a trend. Which Halo game above had the least sandbox issues? CE. Which sandbox above had the most utility? CE. Which Halo game above actually featured the greatest weapon usage variance at the highest level of play? CE. #makeutilityweaponsgreatagain
Hold on to that thought and add me on xbl, I have a project that might interest you (not coforge related btw)
I've already got a map to the stage where I'm just doing art and if I finish anything, that would be it.
I really wish 343 hired you Was it really .9 with quadshot? I thought it would be a little quicker looking at that 1.2 comparison but then again that’s a huge difference I guess
I mean We ask for a weaker Plasma Rifle, and instead of nerfing the Storm Rifle, they give us the Brute Plasma Rifle, which is better than the Storm Rifle We ask for an Auto Rifle nerf, and they buff it We ask for Precision Rifle nerfs because they all basically do the same thing the Pistol does but better, and now they're saying the Pistol is "an outlier" instead of "Wow, look at all these weapons we need to take out of Halo 6" And the one weapon that would solve virtually every sandbox problem in the game if it was now being considered for a "nerf" Modus Operandi for 343. The only surprise here is that they still care about Halo 5 in 2018. They've made it impossible for anyone else to.