Dunkeys video is perfect, he literally refuses to make a whole video on it and it's only like a minute long ahaha
Yeah ill just post a vid and maybe someone will be interested enough Or I could just change my name to mulitlockon and people would jump all over it
Ok so here is the layout Skulls indicate key use lighting isn't baked someone art this **** for me http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Box Knows/video/43119872
Everyone that could do a decent job on the art quit Halo. We are now officially in the dark age of Halo 5 forge.
**** lmao well I’m only here cause I hurt my back so I figured I’d try and get a playable map while I recover lol
A Haiku. Halo is garbage I wish It didn't have to But it's time to die And now, here's what I've made in about two days of learning unreal. I chose some challenging geometry for my first project in a real editor, but I've learned a lot. The map is currently named Split_Mountain, because the idea was to have a map set on a mountain that has eroded in half, and one side has broken away and fallen down. This break has left a chasm running through the middle of the map, which exposed dungeons and caves underneath the mountain (all accessible). The right side of the first picture, and left side of the second, will be the larger chunk of unmoved terrain. Most of the map is ON the part of the mountain that has eroded, but you'll still get to go inside and under the larger chunk of the landmass via the chasm and that large door at the top left of the second picture. The chasm is supposed to be directly underneath the small archway furthest to the right in the first picture, and furthest to the left in the second picture. It's not there yet because I'm not familiar enough with the terrain editor to get the desired effect, but it will be. You can tell where part of the mountain has broken away and fallen down by looking at the bridges. The lower end of the broken bridge is connected to the chunk of the mountain that has separated and fallen from the larger mass, which is why the break looks the way it does. Also, the "boundaries" of the map will just be steep and snowy mountain inclines that fade into the snowstorm. It doesn't look like the play-space is actually in the mountain because I've only just started to sculpt those cliff faces, but it will feel like you're isolated thousands of miles above sea level. On the same note, I want the larger side of the mountain to go upwards until it fades into the storm. You should feel high off the ground, isolated, but still not anywhere near the peak. Finally, here's a quick sketch I did a couple months ago. It's turning out different because something that looks good from one angle doesn't always feel good to move around in, so things naturally get changed. It will likely keep changing, but here you can see what I meant by a "chasm" that exposes dungeons and caves. Looking back at it, I like the waterfalls and small lake, and even the winding pathway up the middle. I might try to re-implement those visuals. I'm super focused on making the level actually fun to fight in, because that's really where I fall short, or at least that's where I have fallen short as a designer. You can perfectly tune counters, lines of sight, and everything else, but at the end of the day, your map just might not be fun to play for any number of reasons that aren't at all obvious. A good example would be the simple lack of floor space in Red Death. Anyways, that's basically everything there is to say about the map. I think the chasm idea has a ton of character and I'm really excited to work with it. The castle geometry and terrain is very easy to make other than that. At this point, It's just about getting the rest of the map to have as much character as the initial inspiration. I think I'm finally growing up.