Flying house map Lemme know what you think (or don't)
One doesn't have to exaggerate when talking about the state of Halo or anything else to do with 343. It's naturally absurd.
It's a FFA map but i think it's also setup for teams. HCS_fcb4ffc7-5088-4493-9e55-e5c6f1afc417
When you dont even say anything, and fragile people get upset about it Bring back Obama on KFC. He didnt need some type of drama in order to get through life at all times.
i'm a noob to the xb1... how does it work. Can you look up anyone's recent games in Theater and watch them? So long as they didn't lock it down? How many games does it keep track of? Thanks, I have some footage to review, and assume I need to do it quickly before it vanishes...