risk vs. reward makes me gag every time I hear it now it's like when people call halo 5 "tactical" as a compliment
I love Halo 5, i has the best multiplayer in the series and the campaign felt epic (to me) One of the best halo games , played a few games today after so long . It really good. The multiplayer is the best yet, and I dare say best multiplayer FPS of the generation so far in terms of polish and finish and enjoyability. thanks for the cancer goat
Cool video but apparently halfway through I won like $10000! Wow like what are the chances!!! **** this phone And in regards to your clip I can’t believe I wasted my time grinding mp
This campaign talk's got me thinking. If anyone has already pointed this out, my bad, but it just dawned on me that how they approached H5's campaign and how it continued from H4's is eerily similar to how they approached The Last Jedi and how it continued from The Force Awakens. I've been thinking about this for a while, and theres a lot of small similarities that the two franchises share, but I'll just go over the broad strokes of my theory/rant. H4/Force Awakens: A decent/great start (depending on who you ask) to a new trilogy of a beloved franchise. They provided a lot of fan service, but added a few original concepts to differentiate itself from the older games/movies. Mostly well received and gave the audiences new mysteries to unravel and new enemies to defeat. H5/The Last Jedi: Both have received mixed receptions from fans and critics, and while both have their positives, such as the Sanghelios areas in H5 or the Kylo/Rey Lightsaber scene in TLJ, the overwhelming negative aspects prevent them from becoming classics. They both toss out lot of interesting story threads that were introduced by their predecessors, and the ones that are continued are largely done poorly. Both of them also add uninteresting/unneeded plot lines and characters. This also isn't me saying The Last Jedi is on par with how bad H5's campaign is. I enjoyed TLJ a lot on my first viewing, but as the movie settles in my head for a bit, problems with it become more glaring. But overall, I think it's a pretty good movie. I also think the rest of H5 is pretty good. But its campaign is a steaming pile of dog **** .
While I think you make an interesting point comparing them to these Star Wars movies I think with h4 you are a bit off. Halo 4 was absolutely despised by the large majority of Halo fans off of release and it was a huge departure from the series as a whole. I think it's much more akin to the Phantom Menace honestly. Completely different setting. Most things look very different from what you would consider "Star Wars" etc... Halo 4's only redeemable factors that I believe critics praised it for were the performances for Chief, Cortana, and the Didact, which were much more personal than the previous Halo games despite the lackluster overall plot. To me the Force Awakens would actually be the antithesis of Halo 4. The Force Awakens mostly played everything safe, and actually tried too hard to be like the originals that many called it a knockoff of a new hope even though it was generally well received.
Keep in mind, I'm really only comparing story elements. 343's art style/direction is a whole other topic and I would debate that fans largely despised H4 for its multiplayer suite rather than it's campaign. With H4, as I said it depends who you ask. I've met Halo fans who loved it, hated it and everywhere in between. I thought H4's campaign was decent. Pretty meh, but stuck to it's guns and added some extended lore related things. And as you pointed out, those emotional moments between the characters, Chief and Cortana mainly, drove the story. Is it as good as the Original Trilogy? Not by a long shot, but It's miles ahead of H5's campaign. Take that last paragraph and replace it with Star Wars/film terms and thats a decent description of TFA and by extension TLJ. I mean it's not a perfectly exact comparison, but there are some definite similarities. TFA also relied on fan service, emotional resonance between both new characters and fan favourites, and adding original story beats that will spread out between the next two films (games). Don't get me wrong, TFA did it a hell of a lot better than H4 did but they are, in some way, similar.
I've said it since the ****ing thing was released. everyone thought I was dumb but they were all wrong