But real talk, I just posted that open world map I was messing around with for awhile. If yall are interested, go check it out. https://www.forgehub.com/maps/seraph.5997/
i hate that when qualifying for ranked (my 1st time trying it out) and you are immediately placed with lower level players, obviusly. if you don't completely carry your team to victory, it seems to take no consideration of the fact that you were the best player in the match... and deranks you or qualifies you lower... You end up stuck with players that will never help you win, or rarely so. Then, because you don't win, you don't get the more tactical players... is the only way to mitigate this to not solo-queue and get a squad?
Why anyone would ever solo-queue ranked anything is beyond me. Unless you're like an ACTUAL pro player. Also, it always starts you low and will move you up the better you do. When I was placing this season we started with bronze people and by the end of our 7 win streak were up against diamonds and plats.
I know, I thought I would try it out as an individual player cuz I don't have a lot of MM friends yet... see where I end up on my own. But like you said, you have to get win streaks and unfortunatley, if you lose but have the most kills, best KDA, least deaths, etc. etc. it does not value your loss less than if you were dead last. Not saying my success would translate in the higher tier matches, but yeah...
True. Like most ranking systems in AAA games there is little value placed on individual performance, or perhaps not enough value. That dank W is where the real cred is and then performing highly when winning gives you that extra umph It kinda sucks but to some degree, somewhere, it makes sense
Season emblems were my only reason to play h5 multiplayer at one point, now there's absolutely no reason for me to rank
I can't wait for you to block it out, give up on it, and then contradict your signature by complaining about how it can't be done
Started this map 3 days ago and finished this morning.. being home sick has given me a little more extra freetime than I knew what to do with, so I just no-life'd it in forge lol. I know everyone is probably sick of 1v1's by now but I really like how this one turned out. The aesthetic is a mix of a scrapped project (that I think was posted here a while ago) as well as my last 1v1 map. So if anything looks familiar that is why. I made it on the xbox one x and it runs buttery smooth. I have not tried it on the OG xbox one but I'm sure it has an annoying ammount of frame drops. lighting is garbage in just a few places, but thats a bit out of my hands. I promise this emissives aren't nearly as bad as they look in the pics here's a DL link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...gerFiend_04cbb455-17cb-44cd-a204-6522bb808271