What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Spawning issue could be a glitch because the same thing happened to Sethiroth with his map. He probably has the answer.
  2. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
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    It is indeed a remake - it's a remake of a Black Ops 2 zombies map named Die Rise. It's three city buildings essentially with one that toppled over and is upside down. It's gonna be a tight squeeze to even have it built bare bones, but I'm gonna finish it just to try infection on it when it arrives.
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Needs Thumbsticks. ;)
    AnonomissX likes this.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Working on a floating asymm unsc map set above a gas giant.


    In the pic you'll notice that there is a hole in top mid. Well the game starts off with the hole closed and cycles between open and closed every 2 minutes. I'm hoping this can lead to some different gameplay!
    thefro3po, AnonomissX and Suicufnoc like this.
  5. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    You managed to get it working alright then?

    Looks interesting from the WIP. I like the girder jump up at the bottom right.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Haha yeah after like three hours of fiddling with it.

    And thanks, it's not a unsc map unless it has a crane!
  7. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    "The cable... I'm going to cut it."
    SlurSniper likes this.
  8. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    So I tried working on a functioning High Charity door last night, and my goodness this stuff is more difficult than it seems. I used two rings on the bottom that are supposed to rotate into the wall, and just trying to get a single, unwelded object to rotate and then go back was unnecessarily difficult. Each time I pressed the button (I had it set up with a switch to get the animation right before I worried about the pressure plate), it would do something different. I press it once, and it rotates on its Center of Mass. I press it again (after resetting), and the next time it rotates on its Root/Origin. Repeat. And on top of that, whenever it reset, it was always a couple hundredths of a unit off too.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is rotation scripting even more buggy than I thought?
  9. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Nope, it is absolutely more buggy than you thought. For the time being, I'd probably recommend trying to use move offsets to make a similar effect, because rotation just seems to throw a tantrum all too frequently. I'm actually surprised you managed to get it even a little consistent to begin with. I've had an absolute nightmare every single time I've tried working with rotation.
  10. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    Yeah it got pretty ridiculous. I think that is what I'll do for now, and then just update it with a more faithful recreation if the rotation scripting gets fixed.
  11. AnonomissX

    AnonomissX Ancient
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    Yes...coming soon (tm)...but I will add thumbsticks to them once I get the rest of my map put together, as I need to either have it working as a "prefab" or leave off as many pieces I have to move as possible...welding it broke the hell out of an earlier iteration.
  12. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    thefro3po, Yevah and Mynx like this.
  13. Suicufnoc

    Suicufnoc Ancient
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    Old vs New. I think My last problem with this is the the plain grey wall under the reticle. What should I do? can only be 2 thick...
    Screenshot-Original (14).png Screenshot-Original (15).png
    Blaze likes this.
  14. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I can't bring myself to finish the blockout. I keep wanting to do aesthetics as I go because they affect the layout. This is causing slow progress:

  15. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    your curvy geo is the theme and that's inherent to the way the map's built. the railings are aesthetics.
    AnonomissX and thefro3po like this.
  16. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Yeah, but looks sublime though. Keep going!
  17. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, and a lot of these curves weren't in the sketches. My sketches are overhead views of the layout showing height differences and such. Little things like the bridge curving up & down or the walls curving out to the floor just came along during the early forge (blockout if you will). But they change the geo drastically so if I would have just made the blockout then came back to add these things later they could have been troublesome or even thrown out the window. That railing with the spaces was just a triangle in my head prior to the build. Now it's a pain in my neck piece to try and mirror on the other side because it curve in on one axis & out on another.

  18. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    instead of sleeping i played BTB customs and then i passed out sometime after the lobby ended

    woke up to this http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/A 3 Legged Goat/video/14039084

    use world axis instead of object axis, or group a flat object with the railings and use that as the parent.
    AnonomissX, Yekkou and WAR like this.
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's awesome, does it work as is? Or does it take a little help? I didn't notice any lifts or cannons & it looked pretty fluid.

    As for your suggestion, that won't work for that particular railing. It has 4 rings & each one is rotated 10 degrees off set of the one below it to give the stair step with the gaps. That's the easy part, I had to free hand the ring that connects them & goes from the floor to the wall. I'll probably have to duplicate it & then fcount the rotation degrees on each axis from 0 (or whatever the piece starts at) then spawn a new one & copy the rotations in the opposite direction. Should work in theory.
    #2279 Zombievillan, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  20. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i have no idea how it works i was in a daze when i woke up. all i remember was @Res and co talking about giant banshee moths. i don't think there were any lifts in it though.

    if world axis doesn't work, grouping it to a flat piece should though. that way you spin the flat piece and get it to be where you need it symmetrically. unless they're titled at an angle that you'd then have to manually adjust, but flipping the entire aesthetic shouldn't be difficult at all.

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