That’s honestly why I didn’t buy doom. I mean I stopped playing the old school one when my kids got old enough to pay attention to what’s on the screen. I can only imagine how more detailed and crazy the new game is. The thing is, other people don’t think it’s a big deal. We are so de-sensitized now.
I bought an SSD some years back, cost almost as much as my xbox lol It was worth every penny. I cant even read the tips on the loading screens of dark souls.
Also, kudos forge hub. I remember years ago you couldn’t mention religion without a flame war shortly ensuing. I was trashed so hard many times because I believe in God. It’s nice to see people with opposing outlooks talking about it and keeping their cools. I hadn’t been on since last week and while I was catching up I was watching for the post that was gonna start WWIII but it never came.
The evolution vs creationism argument is dumb. Evolution is a form of creationism.... If you believe in God, you have no right to say evolution wasn't the process God used to create life on Earth. Your putting God into a Box the second you do. The Creation of Man 4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. 7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. I don't know about anyone else, but that sounds alot like most scientific accounts of early evolution. Man was formed, like almost all life on Earth, from microbial life in the ground. This was allowed thanks to an increase of oxygen and H20 levels in our atmosphere.... Just felt like putting this out there so non-believers don't think all of us who believe in God ignore and are ignorant to what science has discovered. I find the process of evolution to be an amazing and beautiful thing, it is a truly breathtaking process of creation imo
10 bucks Soldat wouldn't have the balls to post that if this wasn't a 99% male forum. This isn't the 1800s bud, get with the times.
I know we are all suppose to be entitled to our opinions and we're all suppose to respect each other's beliefs and values. And hold hands and love each other. But holy hell @Soldat Du Christ says some of the dumbest ****. You either just returned from 1905 in your time machine or finished vacationing in the Middle East. This is coming from a Conservative. Also, sorry @Zombievillan I know you just made a post about how nice it is to have civil conversations about social and religious values.
"get with the times" is a fallacy, conforming to the majority doesn't mean you are any closer to truth. Women are the weaker vessel, and have less control over their emotions
Men and Women are different. That should be celebrated, not shunned. Sure women are weaker in some aspects, but stronger then men in others. We both have strengths and weakness, together we help make up for eachothers weaknesses. Different, but equal.
So ****ing what? That doesn't mean that they have to conform to some antiquated ideals of what their role in society is. What works for you and your ideology is not the truth. There is no truth when it comes to things like this, there is just what works for each individual. If your ideal woman is someone that's going to stay home and cook and clean and submit to your authority, so be it. But keep that ideal to yourself. That isn't the single right way that the relationship between men and women works, to think so is extremely narrow-minded and quite frankly, outright bigoted. Women have plenty to learn from men and men have plenty to learn from women. Sticking them in a box just because it's inefficient or whatever for them to explore societal roles beyond being a housewife is an unfair and antiquated conception of the relationship men and women have. I'm actually extremely disgusted that someone of some level of intellect can even begin to think like that.
It's not a matter of being unsettled, it's a matter of personal choice and what you choose to surround yourself with. Although it's a game, it does use very real life occult imagery and themes. These real life occults aren't exactly positive in nature, and have some very negative energy surrounding them. I chose to avoid doom because I don't like the constant occultic imagery in my face. I'd rather not be reminded these types of things exist. Imagine if there was some sort of symbolism for child rapists, and there was a game that constantly promoted and showed that imagery. Even tho the game itself doesn't portray child rape, you might not want to play it for the simple fact it uses imagery that represents such acts. That make any sense?
Ace can you get on H5 and show me your ski lift map!? I wanna hear someone talk about a Halo map haha