I don't think this is exactly the kind of suggestion you were looking for, lol, but I suggest you don't add anything else to it until you have a rough idea of what the whole map will look like. If you add bit by bit without any idea of what the final product will look like, there is a very good chance you will be wasting your time.
Thanks, I'm open to any form of feedback Normally I draw the map out first, but I've been busy lately... lol. I'll get to the drawing board
About ready to try my heart out to finish my damnation-like map. I'm tempted to name it Weezing, but that map name suits a larger map more like Koffing.
I spent 2 hours banging my head against a wall trying to figure out how to implement Juanez' suggestions on Artifact. Tried all kinds of different things, but was happy with none of them. Then I took a break, ate something, and was able to put something together that I think might work. Most of my forge time seems spent with no net progress, with little spates of lots of progress.
The hardest time for me seems to be the beginning. I have a mental plan of what I want to do for 3 more maps, but every time I sit down and actually try to do it, I run into problems with being able to find the right pieces or the right orientation to make it work. I finally got a start of one of the 3 that I think I will keep, but first wanted to fix Artifact. And even though I knew qualitatively what I wanted to do with Artifact, it seriously took 2 hours to figure out how to do it without it looking awful.
So I reported Saucey on BE.. lol I'm pretty much done with Forge at this point, so I don't really care much anymore. @everyone It's been a good ride. I might hang around here and occasionally post, but don't expect me to do much in the way of forging.
I remember having the exact same problem as a 'beginning' forger. For me, everything just clicked at one point. I haven't had that problem since. I'm fairly confident in saying you'll get over that same hump eventually. It's almost like there's some type of forging muscle in your brain, and it grows more fit the more you use it.
I got a 1v1 in the works thats called Cyanide, if you can't guess it's because its colored Cyan lol, its room based with one large room two small hallway/rooms and a balcony that connects the two halls. I know its hard to explain without pics but Ill have it done by the weekend.
Yes. It's not too shabby, but the map still refuses to believe in it's creator. You have to change him somehow.