I recently got some points for my B-Day and I want to get an arcade game and need some advice on what to get.
How many points did you get? just 1600 I'm assuming? If so, I really enjoy castle crashers, not many people play online, but the single player on it is really fun and quirky. That or super meat boy, I had a blast on the trial for that. Oh, geometry wars 2 is pretty fun as well. BTW, all of those cost 800 points to my knowledge.
Shadow Complex is great and its been out for a while, 'Splosion Man is really fun, Portal: Still Alive is good if you haven't experienced Portal yet. If you don't have minecraft, Fortress Craft is an indie game thats due out soon and its supposedly supposed to be similar to Minecraft.
I actually loved the game, Faery... but also felt very disappointed because it ended so quickly. It's a turn based RPG, but lots of fun. I love the fact that you customize your faery. I'm anxiously awaiting the expansions that are supposed to be in production... depending on the success of the game.
Braid Limbo Portal Still Alive Shadow Complex Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers Stackables (or whatever that Russian nesting doll game is called) Super Meat Boy All these games are definite buys or at least play the demo of them.
Magic was good, but it's quite obvious that there are a couple of decks that are too dominant. It's been an issue since the initial release and continues to be an issue now. Also, the game still hasn't added the ability to play like true Magic... and give you the ability to customize your deck (other than choosing whether or not to add/remove unlockables)
I don't know about all that, decks being dominant sounds like a problem with the player and not the decks. I've beaten people online with all the decks. Also "the ability to play like true Magic" it has all the rules of magic, not being able to customize the decks is annoying but I wouldn't say that is a major problem.