I have a vision of this great map I want to create, interlocked, geomerged, the whole 9 yards. but there is a single thing preventing me from taking this map from my head and putting in in foundry, precision. I am unable to do anything precisely, I see all of these mlg maps that are perfectly smooth and symmetrical, but when ever I try anything, I cant do it so that it is neat. I know how to interlock and geomerge, I just cant do them to do what I want. For example, When I try to geomerge a double box into th eside of foundry, the box always ends up tilting up a little bit, enough so that there is a gap where grenades can fit. another example is placing things at right angles. When I interlock two objects, I can never know exactly where the one is going to span, so there is always a corner sticking out. I have practiced for hours, and it ends up just being frusterating.:irritated: . I have read everything in forging 101, and all of the toutorial threads, but when I try to replicate it, it is always off. I guess all of my rant comes down to is: How do you forge more acuretly? How do you measure things on parts of maps to make sure they are symetrical? I hope that this thread can halp some of the other people here who have visions, but no means to carry them out. and a pre-thank you to anyone who can help me.
use teleporters and walls as guides and if its not as clean as you want it to be just start over. People who get maps featured that are perfectly clean dont make those maps in a day. It takes time to make those kinds of maps. Just keep practicing