So every one knows the brutes were first introduced in Halo 2 well they have been a big impact enemy so far so what are they going to do about them in Halo Cea. will they just leave them out or will they bring um in.
The campaign is EXACTLY the same except for graphics, achievements, and terminals. What's not to get about this?
yea i could understand why but it would be cool if there was a new look to them and they were in firefight.
It's the original CE engine combined with the Reach engine. They won't have a new look, but they MIGHT be in firefight since it's still the Reach engine. I am going to assume that they will at least be an option to have them in there, but they may not come in the vanilla firefight flavor. Since they are in Reach firefight already, IMO it would be dumb of 343 to take them out.