How far should whaling go? Now before you comment, I want you to think of the advantages and disadvantages. I will post my opinion later if this thread works out.
You need to add a pros/cons thing about this topic. Without those, I really don't know what to discuss about this topic. Next time for a debate thread, you write the pros/cons so people can choose and write their opinion on why they chose their choice. Try and find a good write-up on this topic on google or something, read it, then write in your own words in this thread. Please, and thank you.
No you do that yourself you silly man(lololololinfraction). IMO, whaling should be done on a cultural basis, I think some should still be fished for food, but a lot less than current numbers. My problem with activists is that they seem to think whales are worth more than other animal, therefore they shouldn't be hunted. When really, whales aren't important as say...horses, but horses are often shot when they are injured. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for whaling, but I'm not really against it. I know, doesn't make much sense.
Hey, don't call him a ****tard. You can't pose a debate without providing background info. People need to know what to debate about, and just saying "How far should whaling go?" is far to open ended, with no real starting point. You are asking for personal opinions, but requesting they support their answer. The question should evoke the need to support your claims.
Wow I just got done with a research project on the cultural aspects of whaling, what a coincidence. Whaling can have drastic effects on all aspects of certain seafaring cultures, and with a system of quotas, they can continue to practice this without threatening to push whales to extinction. And since I love my references: Firestone, J. & Lilley, J. (2005). Aboriginal subsistence whaling and the right to practice and revitalize cultural traditions and customs. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 8, 177–219.
I personally think that they should stop whaleing in all areas of the world because we have over hunted them now for centuries. Their numbers are getting lower and lower each year along with them having to combat a changing ocean. While I believe that some people may be allowed to hunt a small number of them I do think that the goverment should do more to help protect them because they are becoming endangered.
I've always wanted to go whaling (input sarcastic smiley here). It must be a really odd occupation. But whatever floats your boat. (Get it?) I think if it was illegal, nobody would miss it much. But to quote Futurama "We're whalers of tthe moon, we carry a harpoon..."