Whack A Mole! *** Done!*** UPDATED UPDATE (lol): After playing it today, the gameplay did not turn out how I wanted it to. Expect a version two that changes the problems i saw. By expect, I mean after Easter. I gave up videogames for Lent, The moles are too powerful, and don't stay in the holes.... Actually, this is my first posted map... It's called Whack A Mole Oh, boy... I actually worked pretty hard on this 5-6 hours over 3 days to get the concept/ gampley ironed out. However, I do not think this map is done yet (I will most likley update with a version two sometime next month) _________________________________________________ Here is the concept: The humans are brown moles with bruteshots, and the zombies try to hammer them. The zombies run on top of the floor, while humans are shot up out of holes into the air (they do automatically go up, but there is no way to keep them on track to go back down.) If the humans lose momentum, they can jump through the indented walls, where teleporters are located. The moles have 50% gravity, and the zombies have 200%. This is so the zombies can't teleport back to the mole spawn tower. _________________________________________________ Screenshots The overview A mole comes out of it's hole and sticks the zombie Inside the spawn-proof mole spawn tower (The moles spawn and are instantly shot out of there hole's An above image of the hole. They use a two-way teleporter. The best way to be the mole is just to shoot, but not move because the teleporters automatically move you to a random hole. If you lose momentum, go to back to the spawn tower via the teleporters on the floor (they are to the right in the first picture.) That's pretty much how the game works... _________________________________________________ Tips Let the telporters move you as a mole, only shoot and aim Two moles will occasionally hit each other, but they have low gravity to jump out of the hole and take a teleporter up to the tower Change the gametype setting around a little, I still haven't figured out how I wan't it to play out exactly... _________________________________________________ Download Links Map: Whack A Mole Gametype: Whack! _________________________________________________ Notes This gametype is not final at all, and i'm not sure how it works, so try changing it yourself This map is untested (I'm sure you can't get out though) Please tell me of any glitches/ problems so I may update them in V.2. If you find better gametype settings, post them here (with a link or just the settings) Thank you to everyone at Forgehub!
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map You should put Grav lifts, not mancannons, underneath each hole so you don't necessarily have to give the moles low gravity. But then I guess there's the problem of getting the moles back in. Perhaps your mole buddy would have to destroy the grav lift so you can get back in. Good luck!
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map Really cool concept, but looks like the gametype will be very hard to make. Good luck!
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map I really like the idea, I just can't see how this could be any fun for the "moles" of the game.
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map Updated origional post/ solved problems... D/L tommorow (I don't have access to my X-box now) When I make the gametype (Now Infection) I will try to make it fun for them. I will give unlimited grenades and pistol with 90% damage so they get 2 points per kill. Also the jumping is fun
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map You should make this a juggernaut game type, that would fun give points who can kill the whacker (Juggernaut) and the moles having to shoot him down.
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map I'm going right now because I have a solution that fixes this. I will post it in a sec.
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map I already fixed it! I was updating my first post while you posted this... Lol. This wouldn't work because you can't make juggernaut starting spawns
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map Are you sure, well make the juggernaut invincible for a couple seconds to let him jump out of the holes, if that is possible. Or don't give him invincibility let that be part of the fun.
Re: Whack A Mole- First Map yeah i guess... but did you look at my infection gametype (everything will be up for D/L tommorow, so you know) in the new post?
Re: Whack A Mole i made my own version anyway. it uses king of the kill. took me 30 minutes to make. small kinks but it really doesnt effect game play. Map download here: download Gametype here: download ONE LITTLE PICKY THING to kill with the grav hammers dont hit down at the fence walls. you have to hit the walls from the side. also the map has not been tested in full gameplay. it is more of a beta...
Re: Whack A Mole Interesting. I'll check it out and see whose is better. Edit: Me neither, how would that be offensive? But I'll check it out and see how your idea works
Re: Whack A Mole**New Pictures** no offense, but i really dont care whos is better. i was just giving an idea on how to make a whack a mole.
Re: Whack A Mole**New Pictures** juggernaut would be better than zombie why end up with zeven whackers and only one mole?
Re: Whack A Mole**New Pictures** Thats what I was trying to say meh, whatever I haven't tried out the infection one of juggernaut, just juggernaut seemed better in my head.
Re: Whack A Mole Cool concept, but I cant really judge how polished it is from the description. (i cantz reedz :squirrel_sad: )
Re: Whack A Mole UPDATE: This version is scrapped (I think...) I made a neater version that I willl post once I work out the kinks... You can set it to only one zombie I think...
Re: Whack A Mole I can't believe you made this...blasts, another taken idea. Good thing mine is a series of mini games that could be seen at a carnival. Looks good though.