As everyone knows, RPGs come in an array of different catagories. Such as the classic RPG, MMORPG, Action RPG, and the Tactical RPG. Most western RPGs are dungeon crawlers, simulated worlds, story RPGs that are usually geared for action. With most of these western RPGs there's a concentration open-ended worlds with some good/evil choices the player's character has to explore. Japanese RPGs are more traditonal, turn-based stuff that are usually more tactical than most western rpgs. There is also a big focus on story than action with most JPRGs. I personally like all kinds of RPGs, especially the tactical turn-based stuff like Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy tactics, but I also like my action RPGs like Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect, and Fallout. What are your takes on these very similiar but different topics?
I myself prefer the japanese RPGs to the Western RPGs because they take a whole lot longer to beat 100%, because there is so much level grinding involed. That being said, it's also easier (for myself) to get into Western RPGs. It all depends on what I want I guess. If that really didn't make sense, I typed it in 20 min because i kept getting sidetrack. Sorry if it didn't contribute to the conversation.
JRpg's are very complex and there aren't usually as many choices... However Western ones give you full control usually and have many endings(ie. fallout 3)
lol, I wouldn't expect most westerners to like traditional JRPGs, we're more into action pack, real-time stuff. Also most believes some JRPGs are just plain ridiculous. For example, westerners don't get the whole monster looting thing. I've heard things like, "The only time it's appropriate to find 12 gold coins and a potion after a battle is when you’ve just defeated a group of potion-sellers." But I personally think that that's a stupid arguement against JRPGs. Monster looting doesn't take anything away from the game, and plus,where else are we gonna get our loot from?
I getz mah lewt from teh raidurhz n womenz mah stealth and lockpicking skills are maxed out in all rpgs i play(or very high at the least)
I'm not a RPG Fan at all, the only one I've spend a lot of time with was Oblivion, but mostly for Trick Jumping with friends.