I've not been feeling the whole photoshop thing lately, plus there's some school/personal **** that I need to work out. So lack of motivation coupled with more pressing matters means I'll be taking a break from graphic design for awhile. This means I need someone to render and distribute the sections for the Wallpaper Project (link). This doesn't mean I'm backing out of things entirely, I'd still like to finish the wallpaper (which has fallen way behind schedule) and possibly continue with the Signature Battle. I'd probably just drop out of the contest, but I want to see it through since half the contestants quit/forgot about the Sig Battle. As for me and Rackem Willie's signature shop, I'm quitting that too. Seeing as there weren't too many requests, I don't think it will be too much of a burden. This doesn't mean I'm qutting photoshop/graphc arts (not that anyone cares) I'd just like to take some time off for awhile. -Krazy Kumquat