Introduction Well, you might already know me, but Hi!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HumBoys, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey there! I had to redirect you to this nifty little thing (also my recycled introduction thread) for the links to my maps. Thing is, I have too many links in my signature so I just compiled all my map links, and set them up here. Here are the links to the maps that you have been so eagerly awaiting:

    Mongoose 500 (Racing)
    A simple loop around foundry with a working scoring system, ramp, and off-track starting area. Complete with 3 easter eggs! Includes neccesary gametype.

    Termites :viral:
    Escape the termites that are pouring out of the walls by roaming about the teensy little area you are given! Includes neccesary gametype.

    Rats Nest Race Canvas (Racing)
    Rats nest with areas other than the track blocked off. A perfect racing canvas! Includes scoring system. Play the map itself or deck it out for your own tastes. Includes neccesary maps, gametype.

    The Ring (Mini-game)
    A small, simple ring suspended in mid-air over blackout for epic sword fight battles. Includes neccesary gametype.

    Chicken Fight (Mini-game)
    Remember the good old days, when you got two little kids to sit on your shoulders and kick the crap out each other at the pool? Relive those memories! Little kids not included. Includes neccessary gametype.

    The Crag V2 (Competitive)
    A craggy mountain great for all types of slayer and asym. objective games!


    Looking for someone to show you the ropes in forge? Send me a PM and we can work out a time for a crash course.
    #1 HumBoys, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The quote is from Anchorman. And bonus points to you for watching it.

    If you'll excuse me, I have to go poop in the refrigerator and eat a whole wheel of cheese.
    HumBoys likes this.
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you a brown, standard sized wire haired dachshund? No, I'm not even angry. Thats amazing. How did you do that?

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