I have taken on an un-Official role of sorts around here...I try to welcome each new member of Forge Hub personally...although this is proving is proving to be quite the task...since the Chat Box page only lists the newest member...I end up missing some of them...I don't know how to track new members down and shove a nice, warm welcome down their throats. So I'm asking some of you to sign up and help me welcome all the new members we get each day. Since we are supposed to be a helpful and friendly community, I feel that it is out duty to do this. Forging can be quite the task and when your new to the site you may feel overwhelmed or lost, and many new members aren't aware of the Chat Box either. People come here to post there maps but they also come here to get help with stuff. So I think there needs to be a group of people who helps the newbies find there way around here. Thank you for your help if you do choose to help me and all the new guys
Well thats not really what I'm going for...I'm trying to personally welcome each new member and make them feel like they are wanted here.
You must be new around here Generally when one thing fails, we don't try it again. Also insane tried that for a while.