Introduction Hi. I'm what can easily be considered "new", although I have been lurking around a little for a while. I've yet to post a thing since I'm still trying to learn all the forum etiquette and attitude, but I feel that I'm currently comfortable enough to introduce myself. I've been called an amiable guy, and I have a pretty laid-back personality that makes me want to please all the people all the time. It's not always possible, but I do my best. I've heard from several sources that I have a humorous and rarely over-serious personality (although I fear these comments were made out of context...), but my more formal side always shines through to let others know that I take my business seriously. I prefer to work alone, but I can really connect and Forge amazing things with people that I've formed a good relationship with (longtime friends and family, for example). About my Forging Habits and Game Modes I'm big on realistic (or at least more realistic) game modes, and as a result, my Forged maps tend to usually hold an appearance that looks and feels real. However, I'm no stick-in-the-mud who has no want for more intense gaming; I've created a couple of games and maps where fast-paced combat and surreal level-design have priority. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist, so I usually try and make every little thing jive just right before I'm satisfied (not always, since my lazy/easily frustrated side kicks in after a while). My levels usually stay within the bounds of the map, and are usually asymmetrical. Almost all of my games and maps cater to larger parties, but a couple of them are easily scalable if you know how they play before adjusting them. I tend to have experimental game modes that usually have a lot of success and a fair amount of fans, which is proven by the fact that I host most of the custom games that I'm in, and that I have many returning fans requesting some of my signature games. Many of my games demand strong teamplay and more tactical elements (versus the oh-so-common run-and-gun mentality). Outro What more is left to say? I love Forging maps (although I do find myself cursing the game mode for being so primitive in comparison to PC editors and a small amount of other console editors), and I can say that even though I play many hours of Halo 3 a day, about half that time is spent Forging. I'm on quite often, and I love to help out with other Forgers and give my advice. I have to thank the creators of FH for making this amazing little place, and I feel I should thank the tutorial writers for introducing me to a couple of new techniques. I'll finish by saying that my Xbox Live account name is Archem, and that I hope to have my first map available here soon. I've yet to decide which one would make a good introduction map, but it should surface sometime tomorrow (or should I say "later today"?) or Saturday, depending on which one I choose.
hi, and welcome, everyone here will be happy to help you if you need it. you said that you're a bit of a perfectionist, forging is one of the few instances where this quality will come in handy. good luck and i hope you make some good maps!
everyone is welcome here at forgehub, and we shall always do our best to help you should you need it.