Okay, so whenever I am building a forge map I'll save and quit. Whenever I get back on it to work on it again all of the bigger sized pieces are slightly off of their original positions I had saved them too. (I.E. A large platform will be slightly off of the 90 degree angle I had it set too or a coliseum wall will be very slightly off from the coordinates it was set to. Anybody know how to get rid/take care of this?
Coliseum Walls are notorious for this and partially why they are the most unideal piece to floor with. I know Stevo came up with some abstract method as to fixing this with just the Coliseum Walls, but I don't see why the same couldn't work for other larger objects.
Article on Coliseum walls that explains it in a straight forward way You don't get rid of it, you work with it to hide it.