This is a website I am just beginning to develop, I haven't received any of the actual pictures from the client yet, so the current banner is placeholder for one which is based in an actual picture, and there will be pictures on the main page as well. Just looking to see if anyone has any feedback for the base design, the site is for a sheep farm, I've only actually set up the index page so far. Their original site was...well terrible, and they wanted a new design, so that's where I came in. To see the original, just remove the /revamp/ part. Ewetopia Farms
Those new fangled sheep farms goin on the interwebs. That outmeal comic is like a fraction of the daily occurrences of this site Clients From Hell As far as actual feedback goes, I wouldn't trust that kind of question to this kind of place (no offense to the people who frequent this forum). That being said, I'd change your "module" divs to a ul so that each list item could be given an onclick event. A div could also be given an onclick event but ul's and li's are easier to manipulate into menues. The reasoning is that it is generally common place in web design when you have a menu item that the entire space provided for each "item" is clickable and not just the word inside of the space. As far as actual design goes...that's really up to you as the designer. If that's the color scheme and positioning the client is happy with then all power to you.
This is only the second site I have designed, the other being just a school project, so I was just seeing if there was some sort of obvious stuff that I didn't think of (such as the feedback about using a ul). I am sort of used to print design primarily, and feedback is a critical element in design there so I more or less extrapolated that into this medium (and I know full well that the client is not the one to go to for that, I'm definitely not gonna go down the oatmeal route, I was hoping for people more familiar with the medium than I)
The others above have good advise, Don't be afraid to post designs on bigger web design/support sites. The feedback can be harsh but normally mixed with really vital info. Also just view a ton of sites see how others work and design, But keep in mind your client's size and need for functions. Yes you can make a Full flash intro, but does Mama Sally's Yarn Barn really need it. With time you learn to juggle need vs time... Got side tracked with Yarn Balls rolling in macro Just stick at it ask a ton of questions to the design communities. As for feedback: I don't like the title on the right of the banner I found myself concisely searching for the title of the site when it first loads. Also I'm not much of a fan of dark backgrounds but that's my own bias, I have seen it work for others. Good Luck and Take Care.