I like the look you're going for with this. One thing I might suggest, and this is entirely my OCD personality kicking in, but in the section with "Our Mission," "Our History," and "Get to know us," I suggest switching the mission and history for symmetry's sake. That way both columns with two images will both be on the outside, with the single symbol above the "mission" column in between the two.
No problem! Like I already said, it's looking really good. I remember you posting a thread here a while back with a link to your personal website, I definitely think this is a step up from that. Also, I don't want to be that guy so I'll ask in advance: are you worried about grammatical errors at this point or is it just an early photoshop build?
Under "Mission," you have each other with a space while under "Get to know us" you have eachother, no spaces. Not a big deal, just thought I'd point it out Looking fresh in that suit btw. I almost went Theta Chi at my university, changed my mind at the last minute though Edit: maybe change one to "one another" to keep the wording varied?
Done, boss. Thanks. If anything else you can spot, let me know. Just out of curiosity, which university did/do you attend?