Weather Stories.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Huntar, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Share some experiences of your weather encounters with fellow hubbers.

    Why do i bring this up?

    Some of you know I live in Southern California, and atm, where having a major storm.

    It was 4th period at school today, then we heard a clash of thunder. Then another. Then it started to rain. Another clash. Then started to hail. At lunch, they made all students go into the gym and commons. Why? Tornado warnings.

    You may be thinking, "Tornadoes in SoCal? NAWWWW." Well, yesterday there was one in Huntington beach. May not have been to strong, but had enough force to flip a van, onto its roof.

    Yes, some of you may say, "that's weak ****, we have much more intense storms." But, think again. SOCAL. Where the weather is generally nice year round.

    Pretty cool IMO.

    Here are some pictures from in front of my house, that's how bad it rained today. Basically, what you will see in the picture accumulated within 3 hours.






    So, as title implies,

    What are some of your encounters with nature at its worst?
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Hey I'm in SoCal also

    Anywho, 2 years ago, the school's power was knocked out for an hour and a half due to some serious rain and wind.
    It was awesome.
  3. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Snow is terrible in Fairfax, VA. That blizzard in December was crazy >.<
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    My parents freaked. We still have leftover batteries and peanut butter. lol
  5. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Okay so towards the end of summer we went on a vacation to Hershey, Pennsylvania so we went to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware and we got this amazing Grotto Pizza and we got saltwater taffy while I played Beat It on Guitar Hero IV at the arcade and it was REAAAAALLLLLLYYYY stormy out, so it starts pouring rain so we get in our 12-passenger van while my mom gets something from a store so I'm just sitting there and I just hear WHHHEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


    The tornado sirens were going off. so I just see people running and screaming and running all over and I'm just like... "That's it. We're screwed." but we got out. But the tornado apparently did touch down near Rehoboth Beach. Not on it but near it
  6. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    A few years ago, there was a large storm that went north of us towards Chicago. All of the sudden, it whipped back around after going past us and it was the largest storm I've seen since I was 2.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
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    My experience isn't dangerous, but it was the coolest thing I've seen in my life.

    I was visiting my relatives during christmas a few years ago up in denver, and there was a fog over the whole city. At one point while we were driving, the road dipped and went below the fog. For this stretch of road the clouds were just a little higher than the street lamps, and the light reflected off of the clouds. Bits of heavier fog were rolling on the ground as well, like translucent snakes. It was the most amazing thing I've seen.
  8. V

    V Ancient
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    I got a few fun stories. I live in South Bend Indiana for reference (like 5 minutes from Notre Dame University).

    Well this first one isnt really dangerous as it was hella cool to see at the time (I was like four years old). I was at my dad's softball game and it started pouring. Like a torrential ****ing downpour. It took the ump forEVER to call the game. So we finally head home and there is water everywhere. A nearby underpass had filled up enough to fully immerse most smaller car models (sedans, coupes, etc.) but the cool part was that there was so much water filling up in the sewers that the pressure build up was causing water to be shot out of the manholes like a geyser. So we saw like 20+ mini-geysers in South Bend, Indiana. However the 1-2 foot deep lake of water in our basement that we came home to was not a pleasant sight to see lol...

    Next story. One winter we had this huge ass storm. Straight up stupidly huge hail and ice flying everywhere. There were a billion different trees knocked over/split in half/etc and the entire city had lost power for the good part of the day. It was sweet.

    And I've experienced a couple tornado/tornado warnings in and near the south bend area too.

    That's it.
  9. Spawn of Saltine

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    Not sure what year it was, but there was some winter of (insert year here) in Michigan that actually made a name for itself. My whole town froze over. I'd walk up to a tree and I could see tubes of ice on the limbs and cars were frozen in place. 5 day snowday anyone?
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Hmm let me think. Iv been in a flood here in West Tx, um had an f2 tornado rip the roof of mi casa. Out ran and F3 last year like i could literally see it going parallel to me on the road just south (i was headed to my mates casa he had a storm cellar) I have had up to baseball size hail pound away on my truck while i was parked under a half blown away awning to a gas station.

    I have seen alot of **** but it comes with living in tornado ally. Oh and iv been in a few blizzards in the panhandle of Tejas. Their is a reason were called the cross roads, you can basically go from a nice day at the beach to a blizzard if you drive across the state haha.
  11. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Here in England theres no extremes of weather apart from the odd flood. It just rains, not enough to be considered a tropical downpour, but just enough to make everything wet and be irritating.

    I was in a pretty cool thunderstorm in moscow whilst staying in a towerblock, that was quite exciting.
  12. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    When I was little, there was this crazy storm in my town where it was snowing and thundering at the same time. It was forever remembered as "Thundersnow."

    Another time, probably during the same year, as we have some crazy ass storms in South Massachusetts, it snowed about four feet. The next day, I went outside to sled in my backyard, and because our backyard drops off suddenly (about four feet...), I fell down about four, maybe five feet of snow. Keep in mind I was probably only a little over 4 feet tall at the time. It was scary as hell.
  13. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Ok, I have a few (and trust me, being from New England, a few is minimal).

    Best one was visiting friends in Cape Cod during Halloween week in 1991. For those who may not have heard of it, that's when all hell broke loose in the Atlantic (often called "The Perfect Storm"). Lots of houses flooded, and a few were actually severely damaged by wind and debris.

    The other cool story happened about 7 years ago. I lived in the Waterford, CT area (Waterford houses the Millstone Nuclear Plant). They put everyone in the area on alert when two waterspouts were spotted in Long Island Sound a few miles out. They were so scared they were going to come inland...
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Been in about 5 - 6 hurricanes. Its pretty creepy. The sky turns purple and black and everything shakes. Good thing I moved the year before katrina hit new orleans or I would have been screwed. (I used to live on the other side of the lake above New Orleans, about 35 minutes away). And a bunch of floods but those aren't bad.
  15. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I lived about where dimmest bread is talking about, just about 35 north of NO in a town called Covington, and I went through Katrina, and stayed there throughout the following two weeks of powerless mayhem. Lived on MRE's and Ice/Water the NG passed out at a local target.
  16. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Im in Ocean County Jersey here it was raining and very windy I have many tree limbs just laying in the yard.Today at school a light fixture overheated and they called all the fire department and they didnt even go in to check anything :D I think it was becuase of water leaking in from the roof. But like its not bad compared to whats in Cali.

    I remember a long time ago it was really windy and we forgot to close the umbrella outside. It was on the deck I was looking out of a window to my backyard. Then I walked away a few moments later the umbrella lifted up and the end of it went through the glass it was really fast.Judging were it went through in the glass I think if I was still standing there I could have been impaled through the eye!!!! well I don't know if the circumference of the umbrella stick was small enough but it would have definitively hurt something :O
  17. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I live in the UK and everyone over here starts to freak out if it snows more than two inches. Last December it snowed about 5-10 inches across western england and basicaly every school was closed, barely anyone went to work and ontop of that people just went out and bought all the food in sight so all the shops where empty. They think 5 inches of snow will mean they will be trapped in the house or somthing.
  18. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    My dad and I were out sailing in the Abacos (Bahamas) and there were storms every night. Not every storm hit us, but we could seem all of them because there is nothing blocking your visibility. You can see some some pictures (not of the storms) here.

    Now one night we were anchored down in a small bay and there was a huge storm that hit us. It was kind of scary hearing the rain beating down and seeing the lighting flash. We weren't in any real danger since the island we were anchored at that night was inhabited, but still it was a huge storm and we had a giant lighting rod sticking up (see: mast).
  19. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I thought ya'll had some killer ice storms and **** this last december? Im a weather nerd so i keep up with all the crap around the world. I remember seeing all those (pardon me im used to huge ass trucks go TEXAS) little tinker toy cars slipping all over. I found it quite hilarious.
  20. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    Its snowed for for like 3-4 days straight including christmas in minnesnowta and i live on a hill with everything that i need to get to such as school and work being up those hills
    o and did i mention my city sucks at plowing streets so my street still hasnt been plowed since about the first week of january and so i have to go about a mile out of my way to get to a street where i can get up to plowed streets to get anywhere
    it sucks

    however a good weather story would be snow day in november and pulling my friend on a snowboard with my van going about 25mph through his suburb

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