Weapons Free Map by PWNoSERIOUS rex Posted by Klink258 [jumpto=toc]Table Of Contents[/jumpto] Download Map Download Gametype [aname=GameType]Gametype:[/aname] The "Official SWAT Gametype" will do, but change it to 150% Damage Resistance, and 150% Gravity. Disable starting grenades. Custom Power Up: "Adrenaline Rush" 150% Speed for 15 seconds. Or, Download Commando [aname=Description]Description:[/aname] Columbian drug dealers have taken over a small section of the factory district in Detroit and made it their base of operations for storing illegal weaponry and illicit drugs. It is your job, as the elite Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team to take it back! You are authorized to use deadly force- weapons free. [aname=Pics]Screenshot Gallery:[/aname] Slideshow Let's Do Dish. Auto Body Shop Spiral Stairs for Sniping Sniper Tower Insecure Entrance The Warehouse Check Your Corners Tango to the East! Tango Down It's A Trap! Close Quarters SWAT Truck 2 Chaotic Encounter [aname=toc] [jumpto=GameType]GameType[/jumpto] [jumpto=Description]Descrption[/jumpto] [jumpto=Pics]Pics[/jumpto] [/aname]
i like the map it kind of looks like mine in some parts (im not saying you stole it) like the pallet door and the fact it is for swat and the swat truck
this map looks really good, but if you don't mind me suggesting, fix your pics to be a little bit bigger...as for the map again, i really like the spools under the fence, really good idea, and the spiral staircase...you tried really hard, but it looks slightly unpleasing, please don't think im being harsh, i am just being honest, it is slightly bumpity bumpity...work on that and tada! 5/5 from me! til then, i have to rate 4/5..
I like the different styles of gameplay the map has. the close quarters looks fun, and we all need some swat