oops didnt mean to post twice sorry, i would love a missle launcher where you could guide the missle urself !!!!!that would be awesome bungie should release a new weapon map pack
That would be cool, and to balance it out you could only use one set of weapons on any given map. So like in forge it only lets you use certain weapons. They kind of already do this, but just more in-depth would be cool. weapons: -An AR for Brutes and Covenant, right now it's kinda bruteshot/spiker for brutes and plasma rifle for covenant, but to me the plasma rifle is more comparable to the smg. I'm thinking like a faster shooting and larger spiker and then a more beefy plasma rifle, sort of like the carbine. -sniper rifles with manually adjustable scopes (move thumbstick up/down zooms in) -FLOOD WEAPONS! I know they don't really exist, but I'm thinking like a needler-esque weapon that shoots green spikes/needles that don't do damage at first but after like a second stall they deal damage (like a poison gun). grenades: -smoke grenade (not the flare, that sucks) -a sticky that explodes like a frag equipment: -the deployable turret in campaign -camo mines
-a deployable turret like in champaign, but you control it (like a regular turret) -(impossible, i know) a deployable vehicle -a set of deployable teleporters. you set one down somewhere, then place another down somewhere else, and they last for 2 minutes. i really like this idea!
remote control explosives that you can place anywhere on the field,seeling or the wall and even on vehiclesz would be sick and then with the power of a trip mine looking like a yellow and flaming explosion with a 10 feet blast radius and when you have placed it you will get the remote controller in your hands, nice..........
A fully automatic rifle that doesn't suck like the assault rifle, isn't short ranged like SMG, and is more competitive like BR.