how about a blow-up plastic baseball bat?!?! we could hit each other and not cause any damge, but rather than that, make a cool sound effect!!!! [/sarcasm]
I want a single shot rifle thats accurate and powerful (not a sniper!) with 2x scope. I still want a light machine gun though...
i want a jetpack that can last for up to 10 seconds and you can go as high and far as you want for a short time!
Bring back the Farshight from Perfect Dark (N64). You can shoot trough walls, have x-ray vision, AND auto target tracking!
oh that give me an awsome idea ARMOR PEIRCING ROCKET LAUNCHER -single shot clip no reloads, just a one shot deal -eminsly powerful -goes through walls explodes on ground contact or after 1 second
well i likethat whole idea but.. instead of shooting harpoons what about small spiky balls that explode after half a second. one hit kill, bad accuracy
well if we do that the how about making it have an arching tragectory like the brute shot used to cause i loved that feature for assaulting over walls
i r can has antimatter nads? remember, 1 gram of anti matter can = to the explosive force of a 100 kiloton nuke make sure the nad has 100000000000000000 grams of the stuff, i wanna blow earth up
Doesnt anti matter destroy matter and replicate? Soooo dumping one gram on the bottom would not only destry the area but keep growing until it destroys all of the planet? Eeeep....
yeah that would be sweet! then you could have a smaller ridicule and those decreasing lines so you can kinda measure where its gonna land like the brute shot. im liking this more and more!! lol
haha yeah i had a way to assault a base from across the level with the brute shot on coagulation see what i would do is be behind my base with the brute shot and have who ever sniping for my team to spot for me where i should shoot i didnt hit all the time but the times i did were epic
blarg you can has phail for no can has rainbow6zerz. Ill play halo3 more when teh new map pack comes out. but for now I will be replaying elderscrolls 3 morrowind, r6v2, maybe a little halo 3.