I may have inadvertantly turned this topic into a bastardization of itself i apologise XD...onthe other handthe weed smoke bomb could be used tactically to disorientate your opponents rendering them unable to fire their weapons or revealing their postions by making aeroplane noises XD lol
haha but to get back on track how about a two set equipment TELEPORTER -picked up as one epuipment -deploy both one after the other -thats pretty much it
that would be really sweet Opens up great things for maps Fighting tooth and nail to set up your beachhead in the enemy base and then fighting to stop you
A removable gauss turret would be 100% IMPOSSIBLE to beat. 100% accuracy, 2 shot kill, fast fire rate. Owned. I still thing there needs to be something on par with the splasor though... (BRUTE SPIKE GRENADE LAUNCHER, COUGH COUGH.)
it not a weapon, but they should make an equipment thing that makes like 10 clones of you that have no sheilds and just move around randomly..........
the spike grenade launcher sounds cool but heres one up SLINGER -load any type of grenade or epuipment in to it and itll launch it
i would like the sniper rifle to if you see a person it makes a red circle around their head to help you pick them out a little better.,.,., also they need a sniper that makes no white or purple line when you shoot also is would e cool if it was silent and had no recoil stock... ok but heres my idea on a weapion/gadget: is a depployable emp laucher you drop it and it makes the other team in the radius of it fall to the ground takes away their sheild for like a certain amount of time. or a weapon like a rocket laucher that shoots emps and people yeah i thought that would be pretty cool.,.,
Well you know how you have 200 rounds when you rip off a regular turret, you can make it so theres only 10 shots left in the gauss turret after you rip it off. I can see people now walking around with gauss turrets just blowing people away
Here's an idea: because it's the future, we don't use AK-47s, we use ZK-99s... Other than that, I'll refrain from ranting on about how you kids complain so much these days.
u know that gave me an idea, u have a point that it is the future but i would like to see some real guns so why not make "future versions" of existing guns like an AK-56 or an M29 u get the idea
Idk if this would be a weapon, but maybe something that could make a deep hole in the actual ground. Probably to trap careless people and block off areas. It probably would be a forge object, maybe Covenant. Another one would be a deployable teleporter. Bungie would have to make it to where a person could carry two at a time. Friendly teleporters would connect to each other, no matter who put them down. It shouldn't break as fast like other equipment. Use it to regroup and to travel across the map.