Stun grenades wouldn't really be that fun in halo, and wouldn't make much sense story wise, I mean, you are a super human that can take as much hits as a small vehicle, a stun grenade wouldn't do that much. Flash grenades work fine in the form of a Flare, at least they do in my opinion. Regardless, those aren't really weapons.
o crap, i 4got about about a paintball gun as a miselaneous item for games like paintball, or swat?
I think a BR or Carbine, work pretty well in this case, or Plasma Rifle/Pistol for light weight paintball guns.
oh oh i got one EMP GRENADE -a grenade not an equipment -only effective for a split second -explodes with a blue flash -radius of blast 4ft -instantly drain shields and disable vehicles now i know thats like a power drain but this doesnt stay draining, its just one quick flash
A un that fires a camera/gun out of it that sticks to walls allowing you to look around corner and dispose of enemies before chargeing, would have to be easily destroyable tho and not too powerful as a gun And yes this is a sticky cameras Halo 3 style SPLINTER CELL FTW!!!
itd just switch view when you fired...same as it switches to 3rd person when you pick up a turret/BFG
It fits a stealth game far more than an FPS, as switching view would often cause the player to die in a fast paced game, even then, you have radar, this would be better as an equipment, and a lot better if it created a picture in picture view. The EMP grenade would be great, especially if it messed radar up as well.
A Mortar of some sort. UNSC, Elite, or Brute themed, I don't care. -When your wielding it, your hold it with two hands, kind of carry it, and you move slow. -When you go to attack, you set it down and arrows shoot out of the top and form like a rainbow and you can guide it to where you want to shoot it. -You can maneuver the cannon so the mortar can shoot from 15 feet all the way up to 145 feet. -It's bullet would have the same effect of a Rocket from a Rocket Launcher. -It's reload time is the same of a Rocket Launcher. -When its reloading, smoke comes out of it and slowly dies off. A lasso of some sort. -It's a weapon where you pres X to activate, like a Power Drain. -You can shoot it 25 feet. -You aim it at someone, sort of like a Sword. -Press X. -It whips out instantly and grabs your opponent, and the lasso leaves your hands. -It stops your opponent for 4 seconds right in their tracks. -The lasso disappears and lets your opponent free. -You cannot use it on a vehicle, just one opponent.
A covenant flamethrower? I'd like to spray liquid plasma at people and make them melt. also more forerunner weapons
A gun that resotres shield strength on whoever you shhot it at,not yourself. A grenade that just keeps bouncing off wall,hurting people when it hits them and after a minute burns out a disipates the ability to pick up things like fusion coils with your hands and throw them at each other. A railgun that fires like a br with less bullets but the bullets pass through enemies likethe sniper and um...a shotgun that fires umbrellas!
im still sold on the hand held pikachu oh i got one if u remeber my emp grenade how about an empgun -5x and 10x zoom -2 shoot clip -1 second between shots -no arcing in tragectory -no damage -shoots a ball that emits an emp flash
I'm taking it that most of your post was a joke? I'm still for a brute sniper rifle, but Brutes are too retarded to have a BR like weapon, plus they use carbines ....
Actually only the umbrella was a joke...altho it would be handy when it rains.... also i personnelly think two snipers is enough tbh my suggestion was onlY Br like as in it was a mid range weapon