oh taht would be awsome FLAME CANNON another idea would be the sticky rifle -5x zoom no 10x -a little slower than bullets but not as slow as a rocket -semi auto -5 shot clip -human -it would shoot a dart with a red flashing light on it -it would stick to people and vehicles -5 seconds after stick for detonation -would be very good for taking out vehicles from afar
I love this thread. 5 shot clip would be a little to much, even though balanced by the 5 second detonation, it would be a funner weapon if you had a shorter detonation time and a smaller clip, I'm assuming it would go slightly faster than a plasma rifle shot.
That's... Kindov like the spike rifle I proposed, just with tweaked details. A 5 shot sticky clip seemslike too much to me though...
A human melee weapon. A plasma pod (= human missle pod, I would fire a mini wraith like plasma ball) A bomb sorta a mix of frag and tripmine with a three second delay. FLASHLIGHT Some forerunner vechial I dont think they teloported everywhere.... Maybe a warthog with a laser on the back.' idk...
Well a human melee weapon would be sort of boring and unoriginal, I mean, who hasn't seen a game with a comabt knife. A plasma pod wouldn't really make sense, the kick would be monstrous, and it couldn't track, so it would be an entirely different weapon that the MP. Maybe a Halo 3 Beta tripmine? I don't think a flashlight is a weapon... plus in Multiplayer, the areas are all really bright so.... A 2 man hover vehicle with a duel Sentinel Beam Turret would be really really cool.
i know the crossbow from half life 2 got a lot of criticism but i really liked the mechanics of it and i think something similar to that would make a good brute sniper.
That's just fricking amazing. New weapon design: Bolt-Splitter Rifle -4 shot clip -fires two shots at a time -sniper rifle damage with each shot -2 second charge time, if you don't charge you can fire a quick 2shot, but this is as accurate as an SMG -instant speed if you charge, otherwise plasma rifle speed -bullet drop if you don't charge -sniper rifle reload time(perhaps a bit longer) -x5+x10 zoom(less than SR)
Ive noticed that many people are suggesting weapons that go against the whole point of halo... halo is about guns grenades and melees.... people are saying things like C4 and combat knifes and time stopping equipment and laser pointers and stuff... halo doesnt have those because halo isnt as tactical as other games... its just you go in you kill some people you die and you do it again... as for my weapon suggestion I would say get rid of all of the equipment... I think the equipment was a horrible addition, and then return the pistol to its former glory from halo 1 and then also add jackal shields... this was how halo 3 was origionally supposed to be
I don't really think so Lemon, the pistol in Halo 1 was a moderately fun weapon at best. I think that equipment is just fine in H3, but this isn't really the place for that, is it now. The pistol's main problem was that it wasn't precisely on target, which Failed for requiring skill.
Yes, theres a thing called the battle rifle... But I way thinking a UNSC rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Speed: same as carbine (3/ps) Power: 4 shots to the head --- 7 shots anywhere else Clips: 72 shots per clip (I think i got that right?!) Zoom: 4x - 8x
i got some cool ideas Radio(equipment) call in a few rounds from a MAC gun, rips through anything, hits 10m away from radio a very powerful rifle that does no damage but make the target fly as if it went off a mancannon the katana on ur back! Flood cage (equipment) a glass container that when you throw breaks on a surface and release 5 flood normal form Spine rifle, the thing the ranged pure shoots with and im all out of ideas for now
Sounds a little overpowered, and it probably would be funner if it took more skill, like a gun that fired shots like the wraith. Gravity "Hammer" Gun FTW! Be really awesome if there was fall damage, but maybe a little cheap, I mean, you could get your bomb/flag carrier and another guy or two in a mongoose/warthog and fire them across the map, would make some really interesting customs though. Would be mildly funny, but wouldn't really make sense, considering that an energy sword would most likely cut right through it. The problem with that would be that then Bungie would have to pust AI in multiplayer, which would require a lot more work then most people think. That would be very interesting, but a lot like a carbine... if you could go deeper into it that would be cool, because it wouldn't really make sense with ammo in clip form. Airbursting Fragmentation Grenade Launcher -1 shot clip -Pressing the right trigger once fires the grenade, pressing it twice detonates it. -must be in air for at least 1 second before you can detonate it -detonates after 6-1/2 seconds -low damage per shard(6-8) -40 shards in a grenade(240-320 total possible damage) -bursts over a wide area -shards are highlighted with a dim orange glow -shards all fall downward -shards move at halo 1 sniper speed -long reload time(RL) -4 spare clips possible