first off i know that bungie is not gonna add these yadda yadda, i know this is a wish list first idea i had a time warp equipment -10 second duration -it would be round so it would roll -7ft radius of effect -everything in the radius would travel at 0.5 speed, BULLETS TOO USES -to slow down an escaping flag carrier -to prevent a vehicle from splattering you -to make an easy sniper target -use your imagination and now its time for your ideas
This is actually not too bad of an idea for a thread. As far as my weapon idea. I think the Brutes should have a "sniper" rifle that shoots harpoons, like the DLC harpoon gun in Crackdown. It would be sweet to "nail" a grunt or Jackal to a wall. lol
eh the brute plasma rifle was ok but not the most creative weapon now for the two who suggested the brute scope weapon i have just the idea for it brute lancer -x2 zoom -very long barrel -12 shot clip -alot more powerful than the carbine -slower rate of fire though -the "brute blade" would be a three pronged bayonet on the tip -the melee would be a jab with an extremely long reach -it would shoot big harpoon like needles that could nail bodys to walls, cellings, etc does that sound like yalls ideas
I like that time equipment idea. I've always wanted to have laser sight or something on a gun in halo.
oh that would be cool and good way to know if your gonna get sniped and i just had another idea it would be a brute grenade gravity bomb -it would explode on contact -it sound and look like a hammer swing when it detonates -it would send objects and vehicles flying at leathal speeds -and also it would send people flying USES -to flip an oncomming vehicle -to have fun if u throw this in a pile of explosive barrels -to travel quickly -u get the idea
An automatic shotgun that deals a smaller amount of damage. BAMBABABAMBAMBAM!...BAM! Now that's what I'm talking about!
haha wow that would be cool like a lesser mauler oh something that you could do is make is shoot spikes that stick to things, like a mix between a mauler and a spiker
I think that there could be like a knife of somekind like in cod4. And mabye u could operate a gunship and have a space battle!! that would be so cool, just operating a mac gun that shoots almost lightspeed blowing up covenent ships. That would complete halo, having a space battle. or maybe starwars copyrighted it or something.
Only if you could stick it on peep's faces. I think the sword is good enough for a melee weapon, the Grav-Hammer was unnecessary. Another weapon that would be cool would be a gauss rifle. -2shots/second -small blast radius -2shot kill with direct hits -instant shot speed -6shot kill with blast -5shot clip -knocks lighter vehicles flying, slams into heavier ones -extra damage to vehicles
When someone mentioned a brute sniper rifle, the first thing I thought of was a sniper that shoots Spike grenades. Probably single shot, as it would be an instant kill on normal settings, but it could be used to shoot right in front of a person, then they walk into the spike shower, and it would be a viable alternative to the Splasor for anti-vehicles. REMOVED DUE TO PRUDISHNESS The reload time would probably need to be on par with a rocket launcher, and it would only hold the one loaded shot and two extra shots (the spike grenades) but it would be able to be reloaded, unlike the Splasor. Maybe throw in a slight arc, like the FRG, maybe a bit less, and I think it would be hugely balanced, but only on maps with spike grenades, over plasmas. I guess that you would be able to camp the spiker spawns though, so that would need to be taken into account, so you wouldn't make an uber camp zone. But, anyways, I would salivate over that gun.
Actually, It wouldn't if you think about it, it is about as powerful as the sniper rifle, and not quite as powerful as rocks. Perhaps it could shoot 2/3's of a time in 1 second, 2 times in 3 seconds to balance it out more. Yeah, Spike Launcher for the win, but that part about your parts was unnecessary. Only as long as you could stick it on people, however hard that might be. Suicide bomb buddy to kill Shottycamper FTW!
My weapon is way powerful, but I think I balanced it correctly. Also, I removed that bit in the middle.
Or a Rocket Launcher type weapon that launched Firebolts: -2 shot clip -Halo 1 Sniper rifle speed for shots -2x zoom -Wide cursor with no obvious center -occasionally goes slightly off target -spills fire over the blast radius -Direct hit kills in 1 to 1-1/2 seconds -non direct hits kill in 3 to 5 seconds -the remaining fire is like that of a Firebomb Grenade. -Reload is slightly longer than that of the RL -Slightly smaller blast radius than RL -medium initial damage, over time damage is like getting hit by a firebomb grenade lol. I'm on a roll