Weapon Placement Problems

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eovnu87435ds, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. eovnu87435ds

    eovnu87435ds Ancient
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    I am building a CTF game on sandtrap and I think its coming along pretty well. the only thing that I cannot do for my life is to put weapons in the right spots. The CTF game is a multi-flag map with bases in the crashed pelican and the UNSC ship-thingy by the single towers. anyone got ideas? if it helps i will put the map on my file share.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    The only thing I can suggest without seeing the map, is to put the weapons in places
    that makes sense aesthetically. For example, don't put a shotgun in the wide-open
    middle of the desert area. That would make no sense and be completely useless.

    Also, dont put a power weapon for one team and not have something else to
    balance it out for the other team.
  3. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    I dont understand what ur trying to do here
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Me or him?
  5. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I like to put Battle Rifles everywhere, it's my favorite weapon. Then a power weapon, like a Rocket Launcher or Sniper, I'll put in the middle of the level somewhere. I might put a Shotgun in an enclosed area, or small area, stick a Spartan laser at a hard-to-reach place, things like that. If one team gets a Sniper, the other team does too, if one team gets a Rocket Launcher, the other team does too. Balance my young forger, balance.
  6. eovnu87435ds

    eovnu87435ds Ancient
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    Thanks! currently, before your help I have a sniper, 2 BRs, an smg and spiker, and laser at each base, shotguns in each of the small pyramid things that dont have lifts, 4 BRs spread about, 2 needlers at the top of the 2 buildings in the center, and thats about it. There are teleporters to help transport you and end up in the pyramids with the shotguns. as well as one that leads to a high cliff that is a geat sniping roost. each base spawns with 2 mongeese and a ghost and after 90 seconds, each team has a hornet as well.

    Hows that? sorry for not having the map up. I am away from my xbox right now but should have it up by sunday afternoon 12/16.

    EDIT: If you're reading this the map is now in my fileshare. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=eovnu87435ds
  7. ssshakedown

    ssshakedown Ancient
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    In my opinion, too many snipers can ruin a great map. No one likes to spawn, walk two feet, fire a few shots at a passing enemy, and get shot in the head for another death.
    I usually make the sniper a neutral power weapon that there's a fight for (like the rockets on the default Pit), and give both teams a laser or rocket launcher or something else with less very few shots. Yeah, sure, you can decrease the sniper clips, but lowering it past 1 spare really makes it rather useless.

    Putting BRs everywhere is always a good thing on most maps except Guardian (Team BRs on that map in the TS playlist ruined it forever ??? ). I also like to scatter SMGs around bases, and throw in a shotgun a short walk from each base, making sure to lower the starting clips to one or zero.

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