We Need More BTB Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ice Pinata, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Ice Pinata

    Ice Pinata Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright, so I was looking through the competitive Reach Maps and I find it is lacking Big Team maps. So is there anyone making a BTB map currently? I think we need more. We have a ton of slayer maps, but those are all for fairly small teams.

    I'm working on one right now too, so I hope more people give it a go.
  2. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    I've been trying to make one lately, and I've been finding that it can be a little daunting, thanks to the large scale and the very limited palette for large objects. Especially since they rely so much on the non-editable terrain.

    of course, you can use coliseum walls etc for the ground, but then you're stuck with even more greyness and repetition.
  3. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    There are some good BTB maps out there atm but I do agree that MM needs more selection in this area. Part of the problem is that the community slayer hopper is only for Team Slayer which means that BTB maps (and other non TS maps) stand very little chance of making it into regular matchmaking at the moment. Id like to see the Community section rotate its playlist from time to time. So that it can have like a month of community slayer with the best maps going into MM, then it could have a month of Community BTB with the best going into MM and so on.
  4. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    i have one done ( one of which is in the testers guild but noone seems to ever touch the maps i puyt in the testers guild when i need feedback.

    i have one that was done but i torn apart

    and finally i recently started a another btb map and this one is a street with three house on each side (each team gets three houses)

    If you want a map that plays great for 6v6 (it supports btb but its just too crazy) is my map confliction v2 in competitive map. I just added bro slayer and invasion skirmish support if you wanna play it
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    They're just hard to assemble and even harder to test.
  6. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    well just in my opinion IF you submit something to them you expect it to be tested regardless. I mean i look at what is tested and sometimes its just stupid i mean like same map tested two different version within 4 days and ignoring the othyer posts.

    I seem to see people just go for maps that their friends make on forgehub in all seriousiness.

    I feel like the testers guild needs some reforming so that EVERY MAP submitted gets tested but thats just me
  7. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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  8. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Big maps are harder to pull off, since balance and fun become harder to quantify with bigger teams and larger weapon sets, as well as the likely presence of vehicles. That said, I do intend to work on one at some point, although I have a lot of other projects atm.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    That is an extremely naive statement. Expecting the Guild to keep up with all of the submitted maps is absurd. Join yourself and see how you fair. Getting 16 players together is very difficult
    #9 cluckinho, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  10. feartehstickman

    feartehstickman Forerunner

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    I guess that if forgehub held a contest looking for the best BTB maps, that could increase the number of them. But that's only a theory, I don't know if it's possible.
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am working on a BTB map currently. There will probably be a preview up in about a week. It's called Pioneer, and is on the lower end of the size spectrum as far as big team maps go. It will be for around 8-16 players.

    Also: CycloneWolf, the testers' guild is flooded with maps every day. It would be completely impossible for us to test all of them. You have to keep in mind that we are completely a volunteer organization, and have no real obligation to test anyone's map. If you want to be absolutely sure you get your map tested, send a message to a TG member (like myself) telling them that your map is in the guild and asking to have it tested.
  12. PHATpigeon

    PHATpigeon Ancient
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    I have a map i have been working on that needs some testing for big team, i would post it up on my file share but i have one of the 4gb 360s and it says i need a hard drive to access my file share, lol. Anyway, il keep working on some more big team maps and whenever i get a hard drive il post them all
  13. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then you get in there and test EVERY MAP submited. I mean, honestly you aren't gonna test a map you don't like. We aren't robots who just test every map whether its just a ****ing Wall Coliseum floating in the air with a rocket launcher and some spawns on it, or another map that's gonna be featured in two weeks. We only test maps we like. And all we get out of it are "stars." So we really get nothing out of it. We do it to be nice, and then people complain about their map not getting tested. It's like saying "awww, but I wanted the blue shirt... waaahh!" When you get a present. It's just rude.

    #13 Erupt, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
  14. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I have two that I would like to test in the very near future. One is on Montana and Alaska and the other is in half of Paradiso but also uses the beach and cliffs on the other side. Once I set up the last few gametypes for the second one (should be done by Monday when I have a minute) I'll be ready to test it as well as the first. Anyone up for helping me out?
  15. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    I am in the process of my first actual real map in Halo Reach. Its a BTB map and its turning out really nicely. Large, semi open bottom floor above the water and a twisting and winding upper floor with a ton of bridges linking to a central platform.

    It should be done in a while.
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I've done a ton of BTB maps, some of which are posted in competitive maps. Check out my file share for others.
  17. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    Might I suggest Turnpike? It's rather good.
  18. ghost035dkx

    ghost035dkx Forerunner

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    I have a map I did not too long ago, symmetrical, but fairly small for a BTB map. For being a bridge map, it didn't turn out as vertically awsome as I'd hoped, but it's still a rather fun 8-12 player map.
    #18 ghost035dkx, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lulz @ this topic...

    I think everyone builds BTB maps!!

    Anyway, I haz a BTMG (Big team mini game) in the works ;)
    And a BTB map for 4v4-8v8.. Most I've had on it is 6v6 and that worked pretty darn well to say I have no spawn areas set for it yet o_O

    Keep your eyes pealed!
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    While I would agree that there could be more BTB maps I wouldn't go as far as saying there is a lack of them. Have you really looked? Here are just some of the ones in my queue that I can remember at the moment, I have more. Also some of the reason why there are not more BTB maps made is it is very hard to make a good BTB map. Kill zones have to be carefully placed, vehicle paths have to be made so it balances both infantry and vehicle movement. The forge pieces have to be smooth and look consistent which is difficult when making a large play area.

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