Waystation is a map I created in 4-6 hours worth of work for a lan party last Saturday. Sadly, no one got to play it because everyone was busy playing Starcraft, Left 4 Dead, and Portal 2. I chose the cliff side to the right of the coliseum and near the pillar because for some reason, I was just attracted to use that specific surface of Forge World. After going through a few tests, I had a bunch of gametypes working on it and a well-working version of the map. I know this map is definitely far from a matchmaking worthy status or anything like that, but I want feedback so it could possibly achieve that status. So please, take a look at the map, and give me advice on how to improve it. I definitely would love to hear all feedback on Spawn/Weapon placement(I already got some feedback from 1 or 2 people and they helped me spread out my spawns to help prevent spawn camping). Here's a flythrough of the map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
Your map is not up to forge hub standards, you need at least 1 embedded screenshot of your map otherwise no one will download and the moderators will lock this thread.
1 embedded screen shot or 1 video, but I put in the screenshot to make you happy I read the rules before posting and I included a video, and they do not say in the rules that you need to embed the video