I hate to make another complaint thread about Halo 4, but I think this is a problem worth bringing up. The waypoint system in this game is very confusing, especially for a longtime Halo player such as myself. How could they screw up something as simple as waypoints? Well, here's how it is: In previous Halos, waypoint representing friendly objectives or carriers were shown with a blue waypoint, while enemy objectives and carriers were shown with a red waypoint. In Halo 4, waypoints match the team color. So depending on what team you're on, you have to readjust. It's quite annoying and cobfusing. Anyone else agree?
I spent 5 minuted reading the word readjust as read-just trying to figure out what it was... It let's you know what objectives in dominion are yours by color though. It just doesn't make the enemies their team color.